Women's Beauty Blog

Women's beauty and diet magazine

Diet for high cholesterol

A high cholesterol diet is prescribed to absolutely all patients who have been diagnosed with such a disease. The main reason for high cholesterol is malnutrition. Therefore, first of all, it is important to adjust the diet by excluding from the diet foods and dishes that increase the level of NSAIDs.


Low carb diet for women

The low-carb diet for women has long been popular among those who like to experiment and try on the menu of a new diet and diet for weight loss. However, it is worth figuring out how effective the method is, whether such a regimen can help you lose extra pounds in a few weeks, and what are the reviews of real people who have tried food on themselves.


Diet for hemorrhoids for women

Hemorrhoids is an unpleasant disease in which a woman experiences constant anxiety and discomfort. Despite the prevalence of the disease, its treatment can take a long time and not bring results. Neither various medicines, nor even operations sometimes have the proper effect.


Keto diet for women

The recipe for effective and quick weight loss within a month, or better than a week, begins to excite the population during the onset of the spring thaw. The gradual decrease in the number of outerwear makes you take a more critical look at your own body and the changes that have occurred during the winter months.


Diet for women over 60

Elderly women tend to be overweight and gain weight, which will inevitably have a negative impact on the general condition of the body. Most often, chronic diseases such as hypertension, cholecystitis, gout and osteoporosis are aggravated from extra pounds.


Protein diet for women

A protein diet for women is an example of the safest way to lose weight. Plus, it's fast and helpful. But, of course, any diet provides for a lot of nuances.


Hair care at home

Hair care at home is an important condition, without which it will not work to get a stunning head of hair. Heredity and salon procedures are only a small part of what affects hair. Let's try to figure out how to competently and effectively care for your curls.


Facial care at home

The face is the hallmark of any girl. It is always in sight and people pay attention to it in the first place. The skin of the face is of great importance for appearance. It can be different - dry, oily or combined. To keep her looking healthy, it is very important to choose the right care.


Moisturizing hair at home

Hair, as you know, is the hallmark of every woman. And to keep them looking amazing, home care is a must! An important step in this care is moisturizing the hair at home.


How to make a natural hair mask

At the moment in cosmetology there is a wide variety of hair care products. However, homemade mask recipes do not lose popularity. As a rule, any housewife has products for making a mask, so it will not be difficult to make it yourself.



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