Women's Beauty Blog

Women's beauty and diet magazine

The orange diet

The orange diet has gained great popularity among women struggling with extra pounds. And not without reason, because oranges, like any other fruit - tasty, healthy, have a positive effect on the body. This type of citrus is great for weight loss. It is allowed to be consumed as a separate fruit or combined with other dietary products. In addition, oranges help to rejuvenate and cleanse the skin of the face, unless, of course, the person who is losing weight is not allergic to them.


Diet for hemorrhoids in men

A diet for hemorrhoids in men helps to fight the manifestation of this unpleasant disease. Therefore, during the period of treatment and for the prevention of the disease, doctors strongly recommend that certain dietary rules be observed. The article discusses the basic rules of the diet for hemorrhoids, which will help maintain good health, improve bowel function, eliminate pathological symptoms and prevent relapses.


Diet minus 10 kg per week

A diet minus 10 kg suggests that in a short time, usually 7 to 14 days, it will be possible to get rid of a maximum of 10 kg. Such express diets are especially popular among people who want to get rid of hated kilograms as soon as possible. But it is worth noting that strict dietary restrictions can adversely affect the overall health of losing weight.


Diet minus 7 kg per week

The minus 7 kg diet suggests that by following certain nutritional rules, a person will be able to lose at least 7 kg within a short time, usually 7 to 10 days. Such express diets are intended for single use. Following strict dietary restrictions for more than 10 days is unhealthy and fraught with negative consequences.


Diet minus 5 kg per week

Diet minus 5 kg in a week is an express diet that promises the user to get rid of five kilograms in seven days. It has long been known that food systems that involve severe restrictions can adversely affect the health of losing weight. However, in the life of each of the noses, there come moments when it is urgent to lose those extra pounds in a short period of time.


Kefir-buckwheat diet

The kefir-buckwheat diet has long gained popularity and recognition around the world, because thanks to it you can lose weight by 3, 5, 7 or more kilograms without experiencing hunger and other unpleasant symptoms. However, it is worth noting that such a diet is not only hard, but also unbalanced.


Maggi's Egg Diet

Maggi's egg diet is a protein diet that has its advantages and disadvantages. The essence of this way of eating is to reduce the daily caloric intake by reducing carbohydrate foods. According to user reviews, the Maggi diet really gives good results.


Diet by blood type for women

The blood type diet for women today is one of the most popular and effective. The ability to lose extra pounds is achieved through the normalization of nutrition, while there is no need to radically limit yourself in anything. But, like any other nutrition system, the blood type diet has its advantages and disadvantages.


Diet 16/8 for women

The 16/8 diet for women is gaining popularity. Its creators claim that by following all the rules, it will be possible to quickly get rid of the hated kilograms and at the same time remain full and satisfied.


Drying diet for women

Every woman dreams of a perfect body. However, many people experience frantic stress on the body during the week in the form of irrational and malnutrition, as a result of which they only gain extra pounds. To free the body from them, drying is most often used.



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