Maggi's Egg Diet

The content of the article:

Maggi's egg diet is a protein diet that has its advantages and disadvantages. The essence of this way of eating is to reduce the daily caloric intake by reducing carbohydrate foods. According to user reviews, the Maggi diet really gives good results. In order for the results to be preserved, it is important to strictly follow the rules, and then try to eat right.

Maggi Egg Diet: Principles

The Maggi diet, or in another way it is called egg, lasts 4 weeks. If you do not violate the rules of cooking and eating food, during this period you will be able to lose up to 10 kg. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that this diet refers to protein, so if an obese person has problems with the kidneys, digestive, cardiovascular system, you can use it as the main way to lose weight after prior consultation with your doctor.

Note! Doctors do not recommend going on this diet more than once a year.

The menu consists of a specific set of products. Once in the body, they trigger specific reactions that activate the process of splitting fats and removing toxic substances. The main product of the diet is eggs . While you have to limit yourself in nutrition, you should give up physical activity, because the lack of carbohydrates negatively affects your well-being, causes fatigue and loss of strength.

If, at the end of the egg diet, the number of kilocalories consumed per day is increased gradually, the lost kilograms will never return. If the diet had to be interrupted, or mistakes were made in following it, it will be necessary to start it again, from the very first day.

The main rules of the diet

To maximize the effect of this diet, it is important to carefully study and strictly observe the following rules:

  • Never replace lunch with dinner or vice versa.
  • You cannot substitute one product for another. If you want, you can exclude any dish.
  • It is not allowed to use sugar, butter, mayonnaise sauce.
  • Alcohol is also strictly prohibited.
  • The diet is not recommended to be interrupted. In the event of a breakdown, you will have to start over, it is not advisable to continue it further.

You should also pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • The main product is eggs, boil only hard boiled.
  • Before cooking, the chicken must be freed from fat and skin.
  • Meat, fish is recommended to use boiled or stewed. If desired, the product can be fried, however, with this method of cooking, fat is prohibited. The pan should be dry, preferably with a non-stick coating.
  • Vegetables can be steamed or boiled. It is allowed to add spices to the finished dish, as well as garlic, onions. Salt food can be kept to a minimum.
  • When cooking a vegetable salad, adding vegetable oil, as well as mayonnaise, is prohibited. You can season the dish with natural yogurt, lemon juice, wine or apple cider vinegar.
  • Drink more liquid. The recommended minimum is 2 liters of water per day. It is not forbidden to drink coffee, tea, but sugar, honey, milk, etc. cannot be added to them. It is allowed to sweeten the drink with a sugar substitute. Stevia is a natural sweetener that is sold in any pharmacy.
  • If it is not said in what quantities to use this or that product, that is, it is allowed without restrictions.
  • It is most convenient to go on an egg diet from Monday, because the menu is compiled exactly according to the days of the week.
  • If there is no strength to endure hunger, you can eat raw or boiled vegetables with a minimum starch content. An ideal snack option is cucumbers, cabbage, peppers, lettuce leaves, celery.

What foods will be removed from the menu?

Maggi's egg diet rules imply certain food restrictions. From the diet will have to be excluded:

  • meat with layers of fat;
  • sweet, starchy fruits;
  • milk, hard cheeses;
  • any fats;
  • meat and bone broth;
  • flour;
  • any sweets;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Maggi's egg diet: indicative menu for the entire period

If you strictly adhere to these rules, in these weeks you will be able to get rid of 10 kg. If you stop following the diet, all the weight lost will immediately return.

First week

In the starting week, the body gets used to a new diet, digestion is rebuilt.

Table 1:

Day of the week






Every day, half a grapefruit or an orange is eaten, and a couple more hard-boiled eggs.

Allowed fruits without restrictions

Meat without fat, which can also be minced


Skinned chicken

Vegetable salad, a couple of eggs, citrus


Low-fat cheeses in any quantity, tomatoes, whole grain bread.

Allowed meat, from which you can also make minced meat


Fruits that are allowed in the diet in unlimited quantities

Allowed meat, from which you can also make minced meat


Boiled vegetables such as zucchini, beans, asparagus, carrots, plus two eggs

Fish, vegetable salad, citrus


Permitted fruits unlimited

Allowed meat, from which you can also make minced meat


Boiled chicken, freed from skin and fat, tomato, citrus fruit.

Vegetables boiled in water or steamed


Second week

The body is no longer so difficult in the new mode, so this week, many note that weight loss is not happening so quickly. This is explained by the fact that in the first 7 days, mostly excess water leaves. And only then fat reserves begin to burn.

table 2

Day of the week






Half a grapefruit or an orange is eaten every day, and a couple more hard-boiled eggs

Vegetable salad, meat

Citrus fruit, 1 - 2 eggs


Vegetable salad, meat.

Citrus fruit, 2 eggs


Salad with vegetables, meat

Citrus fruit, 2 eggs


Boiled or steamed vegetables, 2 eggs, low-fat cheese.


Eggs - 2 pcs


Fish boiled or fried in a dry frying pan

Eggs - 2 pcs


Meat, tomatoes, 1 citrus

Permitted fresh fruit


Chicken, degreased and skinned, tomatoes, citrus fruit

Food set for lunch


Menu of the third week

In the penultimate week, it is no longer so difficult to eat according to this system. Therefore, at this stage, it is necessary to make drastic changes in the nutrition plan.

The daily menu consists of a set of products that must be consumed throughout the day.

Table 3

Days of the week

Featured Products


Allowed fruits in desired quantities


Allowed vegetables in the form of freshly prepared salads or boiled


Any allowed vegetables and fruits, raw and cooked


Boiled or fried fish, fresh vegetable salads, which are allowed, cooked vegetables


Lean meat, boiled vegetables


One type of permitted fruit in unlimited quantities


Last week's menu

The daily menu is a set of products that should be consumed throughout the day. Adding any other products is prohibited. The recommended number of meals is 4-6.

Table 4

Day of the week

Approved Products



boiled chicken

fourth part


3 pcs.


1 bank


1 PC.



200 g


4 things.


3 pcs.


cooked vegetables

250 - 300 g


2 pcs.


2 pcs.

whole grain toast

1 PC.

Cottage cheese

1 st. l.



½ part


1 PC.


3 pcs.


1 PC.

Any permitted fruit

1 PC.



2 pcs.


2 pcs.


1 portion


1 PC.


Chicken breast

2 pcs.

Cottage cheese

125 g

Whole grain toast

1 PC.


2 pcs.


2 pcs.


1 PC.


boiled vegetables

200 - 250 g

Tuna without oil

1 bank


2 pcs.


2 pcs.


1 PC.

Poles and cons

Maggi's egg diet, like any other nutrition system, has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most important plus is that it is required to observe a certain period of time. During this period, the body will learn to saturate with simple foods in limited quantities. After the diet is completed, there will be no cravings for harmful things.

The main disadvantage of the diet is that due to the lack of carbohydrates in the diet, a person constantly feels weakness, loss of strength, and drowsiness. In the early days, some experience severe hunger and break down, which is why it will be necessary to start eating according to the scheme again.

Summing up all of the above, I would like to note that the guarantee of a beautiful figure and excellent health depends on what we eat and what kind of physical activity we perform. Maggi's diet really helps to achieve amazing results, but it is not suitable for everyone, so before you start following it, you should consult your doctor. Having achieved the desired results, it is recommended to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet and limit foods that contribute to rapid weight gain to the maximum. By following these simple rules, you will be able to consolidate the results and maintain a beautiful, toned figure for the rest of your life.

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