Facial care at home

The face is the hallmark of any girl. It is always in sight and people pay attention to it in the first place. The skin of the face is of great importance for appearance. It can be different - dry, oily or combined. To keep her looking healthy, it is very important to choose the right care. To date, the shelves of showcases are bursting with a variety of choices of various products for every taste.

Before buying, for example, a mask, you can look at its composition and understand that the main ingredients are often in our refrigerator and we can do everything ourselves. Firstly, it will save time spent on going to the store, secondly, money, and thirdly, you will surely know what you are putting on your face, because you added the ingredients yourself.

It is worth remembering that such masks have one contraindication, this is a possible allergic reaction. Therefore, to begin with, it is worth applying the composition to the bend of the arm and leave for 10 minutes. If redness or replenishment does not appear, then you can apply the mask on your face. If something appears, then you should try to exclude the components one by one

Here are some simple mask recipes:

1. Egg mask. There is nothing to mix here. Just crack an egg and apply the paste on your face. After drying, you can apply another layer. Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes. This mask tightens pores, smoothes the face and eliminates blackheads.

2. Ice cubes with parsley. Finely chop the parsley and pour boiling water over it. After cooling, strain the broth and pour into molds for ice. You can wipe your face with these cubes in the morning and evening. They perfectly tone and moisturize the skin.

3. Honey and cinnamon. Take these ingredients in a 1:1 ratio and apply a thin layer on your face. This mask whitens the skin, hiding skin pigmentation and acne marks.

4. Cucumber. Cut the cucumber into round slices and apply them on your face. The mask well tones and refreshes the face.

5. Soda with water. Mix the ingredients 1 tablespoon at a time, and then apply to the face. Wash off after 15 minutes. This mask is great for exfoliating the skin.

6. Whitening mask. Mix the grated cucumber and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Apply the composition on the face, wash off after 20 minutes. This mask will help eliminate pigmentation and acne marks.

7. Oatmeal mask. Mix two tablespoons of oatmeal and one tablespoon of cosmetic clay. Pour boiling water over and let it brew for 10 minutes. Before applying to the skin, you can add a couple of drops of tea tree oil. This mask fights acne well and soothes the skin.

Rice mask. Put the rice on to cook. When boiling, a foam forms, remove it and mix with two tablespoons of rice flour. The consistency of the mask should be like sour cream. Apply to skin, wash off after 30 minutes. This mask is perfect for those who have a greasy sheen on their face, it mattifies perfectly.

You can experiment with products by creating new mask recipes. But, if the problem with the skin is deep enough, you need to consult a specialist.

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