Moisturizing hair at home

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Hair, as you know, is the hallmark of every woman. And to keep them looking amazing, home care is a must! An important step in this care is moisturizing the hair at home. There are a lot of nuances here, but it’s not difficult to master them. So let's get started!

Moisturizing hair at home: basic recommendations

First of all, it is worth mastering a few recommendations:

  • The hair to which the moisturizer will be applied must be relatively dry - this is an important condition. And, of course, clean. That is, water should not drip from freshly washed hair. The sequence is as follows: first, shampoo acts on the hair, then it is washed off, the hair is blotted with a towel or slightly dried. And then a moisturizer is applied.

  • If the hair is completely dry, it is better to nourish the entire length . Even the roots, although usually balm and conditioner are not recommended to be applied to them.

  • In order for the hair to receive moisture evenly, it is worth using a comb. It will help distribute the product as well as possible. The teeth of the comb should be wide.

  • Another point to take care of is thermal protection. That is, you will need to wrap your hair - most often a shower cap is used for this purpose. You can walk with it for as long as you like. At the same time, the mask or other moisturizer will be absorbed better, and the head will not catch a cold. In this case, it is even better to tie a towel on top of the hat.

  • If the product is homemade, it must be kept for a long time. Longer than ready-made store products. Sometimes it may take half an hour, sometimes - one and a half! Therefore, you should take care of the appropriate time window in your schedule in advance.

  • All products are washed off with exclusively warm water. Cold or hot are not suitable for various reasons: hot has a bad effect on the structure of the hair, and cold does not wash off the components of the product. The optimum temperature is 37 degrees.

  • If you want to moisturize the curls for preventive purposes, it is enough to do it once a week. If there is a problem and deep hydration is needed, the frequency of procedures should be increased to 3 sessions per week.

How to choose a professional hair moisturizer

A ready-made store-bought moisturizer is what many girls will prefer. It is pre-balanced and significantly saves the time of its hostesses. You don't have to prepare anything - just apply!

If readers are attracted to this option, they should heed the following recommendations:

  • The oil in the composition is ideal for the case when you want to provide deep hydration and nourishment of the cuticle. Almond and argan oils, for example, are excellent. They also provide an amazing - almost radiant - shine and amazing smoothness.

  • A component such as aloe is extremely effective in optimizing hydrobalance.

  • If a girl often comes to the decision to color her curls, she should pay attention to products that do not weigh down. After all, bleached hair, often colliding with paint, becomes unusually fragile, brittle. That is, the product should not contain parabens. But the components of creatine and ceramides are highly desirable - the first perfectly restores, and the second helps to fill the void.

  • Lovers of styling curls can be advised products with linseed oil, iris extract. Xylose is also preferred - it has excellent thermal protection properties.

  • Spray is a godsend for those young ladies who prefer to moisturize curls throughout the day and saturate them with vitamins. In addition, sprays help retain moisture in the hair even when the hair is styled and dried. Their additional plus is the ability to avoid flushing. A few sprays - and now you can run on important matters. Effective and practical for modern ladies!

  • If you want to moisturize your hair, nourish it and at the same time smooth it out a little, experts advise you to pay attention to a product such as cream primer. By the way, it is noticed that its components are able to penetrate deeply into the hair, preventing even its section.

Tip nutrition

Both oily and combination hair types differ in that their roots quickly become oily. That is, they do not need additional moisturizing along the entire length - shampoos suitable for these types of hair are quite enough. You can supplement them with balms from the same line. However, it often happens that the tip of the hair is split. That is, it becomes dry.

And in this case, the following recipes will help:

  • Carrot Mask - This simple recipe is amazingly rich in minerals and vitamins thanks to carrots. It allows the hair to regenerate properly, makes the treated area smooth, manageable, healthier. You just need to mix some amount of carrot juice with the same amount of vegetable oil. The oil can be anything, but the juice is preferably freshly squeezed.

  • With colorless henna - such a mask will perfectly strengthen the hair structure and will perfectly cope with the soldering of the tips. You will need henna itself, about 2 tbsp. almond oil, about 2 or 3 tsp vitamins A and E in liquid form. It is very important at the very beginning to pour henna with boiling water to such an extent that a thick slurry is obtained. It should be covered with something, letting it brew for about 30 minutes. Next, pre-heated almond oil is poured in. And then vitamins are added. It is necessary to store the resulting product in a tightly closed jar in some dark place. You can and even need to keep it on the ends of your hair for 2-3 hours, no less!

Homemade masks for dry hair

Of course, this type needs hydration the most, and here are some recipes you can offer to its hostesses:

  • With olive oil - it's just a salvation for overdried curls! It is worth taking 2 tbsp. oil, the same amount of castor oil and liquid honey, egg yolk, vitamin E capsule and 10 vitamin A capsules, juice of half a lemon. All this is mixed properly and applied along the entire length. However, with regard to excessively weakened curls, then, perhaps, the mask will make them heavier.

  • But an avocado mask will work wonders even with overly damaged hair. We need half a ripe avocado and a banana, 1 tbsp. coconut or olive oil and a similar amount of sour cream is fatter. All components are preferably mashed - so it will be easier to wash them off.

  • From arnica tincture - due to the impressive content of biologically active substances in the tincture, the mask will turn out to be super-moisturizing and nourishing. We need 3 tbsp. of this tincture, about 2 tbsp. vegetable oil at the choice of the mistress of the hair and 2 yolks. Everything needs to be mixed well - and now the express mask is ready!

  • Kefir mask is a kind of classic. This drink perfectly moisturizes, prevents brittleness thanks to milk sticks, yeast and vitamins. You need to take about 300-500 ml of this product - it all depends on the length of the hair. You will also need to stock up on 2 tbsp. any vegetable oil and yolk, and then mix everything together. But it should be noted that kefir will harm dyed hair, as it will wash the color out of them somewhat.

  • Onion mask - not everyone may like it because of the specific smell, as you might guess. However, if the lady is in no hurry and has any fragrant essential oil on hand, a few drops of it will correct the situation. You will need to mix a tablespoon of onion juice, liquid honey, some vegetable oil. You also need to add the yolk. The mask will turn out to be unusually nourishing, but it may not be suitable for women with dyed or bleached hair, since porous hair often absorbs odors well.

  • Zucchini mask - also perfectly moisturizes dry, dyed or curly type of curls that are also in dire need of nutrition. To make it, you will need to thoroughly grind 150-200 g of zucchini. A blender will come in handy in this matter. Juice is squeezed out of the gruel - we will need it! Juice must be mixed with 1 tbsp. olive oil and milk. The latter can be taken half a glass. All this splendor is mixed - and now the mask is ready.

Homemade moisturizers for normal hair types

If the hair is of the normal type, their mistress is incredibly lucky. However, the absence of problems does not mean at all that the state of the curls does not need to be maintained.

Moisturizing is also necessary for such hair, and here are some homemade masks that can be advised in this case:

  • With ylang-ylang oil, moisturizing hair at home is excellent - this oil is very good for hair. You need to add 5 drops of this oil to 3 tsp. olive oil is another useful ingredient. The yolk is also added there. This mask will nourish and serve as an excellent prevention of dryness.

  • With glycerin - a very good remedy for those young ladies who dream of shine. For a small length, you only need a teaspoon of this remedy. You need to take the same amount of apple cider vinegar. You will also need a couple of yolks and 2 tsp. castor oil. If the girl is a happy owner of long curls, the proposed proportions must be doubled. The recommended course of application of the mask is 2 months.

  • With aloe - of course, this component is easy to find in industrial products. However, they also contain not very pleasant components. Then it is better to prepare a homemade mask! To moisturize and strengthen the hair, you should take 1 tbsp. aloe juice and honey. Juice must be filtered, and honey must be natural. To these components are added the yolk and a teaspoon of garlic juice. All ingredients are well mixed and applied with massaging movements. The recommended course is a month when using the mask twice or thrice a week.

  • With gelatin - this mask will moisturize and saturate the curls with energy, and even help protect them from ultraviolet radiation! You will need to take gelatin and honey in equal amounts. Next, the ingredients are selected according to the shade of the hair. Chamomile is suitable for fair-haired young ladies, nettle is suitable for dark-haired young ladies. The selected herb is boiled, the solution is filtered. Gelatin is added to it. After that, honey is added and everything is mixed. Then the mask should cool to room temperature.

How to Moisturize Colored Hair: Home Remedies

Colored hair needs special care, including special moisturizing masks:

  • With cognac - such a recipe will help not only moisturize porous hair affected by dyes, but also give them shine. It will take only 100 ml of this wonderful drink and the yolk. These two ingredients must be mixed, distributed through the hair, left on them for 20-30 minutes, and then rinsed off. They say that such a mask can even enhance the color!

  • With banana and avocado - a godsend for girls who love to experiment with hair tone. Such a mask will nourish and restore them to the maximum. So, we need ripe avocados with a banana - you can part if the hair is not too long. You also need a yolk. The components must be properly ground into gruel, and this gruel should then be applied to the hair.

  • With lemon juice - a godsend for curls painted in a bright color. Unfortunately, it is washed out most quickly, and often dyeing your hair is both harmful and costly. In that case, this mask will help out! To create it, you need to stock up on just 3 tbsp. lemon juice, the same amount of apple cider vinegar, 3 yolks. Juice must certainly be freshly squeezed - this is the type of mask that should be done anew before each session. All ingredients are mixed and applied from roots to ends. The recommended frequency of procedures is 2-3 times per week.

  • With banana and egg - a great option for light colored hair. You will need to chop the banana - you can do this in a blender or use a fork. This gruel is mixed with one exactly the same crushed yolk.

Moisturizing hair at home depending on the time of year

Not everyone thinks about it, but for each season it is necessary to select your own moisture. For example, in winter, not only hair suffers, but also skin. Overdrying of the air in the room, lack of moisture - all this has a disgusting effect on the curls. In winter, such masks are useful:

  • With a bag of gelatin, an egg and a teaspoon of castor oil. First you need to dilute the gelatin with boiled water, let it swell - and only then the remaining components are added.

  • For a yogurt care product, you will need to take 6 tbsp. this treat and an egg. It is recommended to choose a classic yogurt that does not contain additives. Unlike the previous options, not the yolk is taken, but a whole raw egg. It must be beaten to a foamy consistency. Then you just need to mix everything, and then apply literally for 15 minutes.

In the spring, the body often attacks beriberi. This also applies to hair - they are more brittle, become dull and even fall out more often than usual. Well, in this case, a mask with rum and tea will come in handy - an interesting and useful option. You will need to take 2 tsp. high-quality black tea brewing and 1 tbsp. white rum. Tea needs to be brewed, cooled, and then add rum to it. Wiping daily for a week literally contributes to the transformation.

In the summer, the aggressive sun and sea salt also deprive the hair of moisture, but the following masks will save:

  • Mustard - oddly enough, it perfectly moisturizes. You need to mix a tablespoon of mustard powder with the same amount of burdock oil and yolk. All this is mixed and left on the hair for about 20 minutes. In addition to the fact that the hair is perfectly moisturized, it will also grow better!

  • From curdled milk - for this simplest mask, only one curdled milk is needed. Literally two sessions a week for 40 minutes each - and now the curls are perfectly moisturized.

In the fall, you still need to restore your hair after the summer, and here are some tips:

  • Pumpkin mask - it consists of 100 ml of pumpkin juice and 2 tsp. some vegetable oil. You can take burdock, olive, linen, sea buckthorn. Juice is acceptable to buy ready-made, if it is of high quality. But it is best to grate a piece of pumpkin and squeeze the juice out of the gruel. Then it is simply mixed with oil.

  • A henna and turmeric mask is a proven method, especially on dark hair. Light colors are sometimes dyed. First you need to brew about 2 tbsp. henna. While it is hot, mix it well. And so, while stirring, you need to gradually add turmeric. As soon as the gruel has cooled, it becomes ready for use.

Dry hair is one of the enemies of beautiful hair. Dry hair looks weak, lifeless, dull. But we'll fix it! You just need to get rid of the panic and quickly decide on the method of moisturizing that suits you personally.

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