How to make a natural hair mask

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At the moment in cosmetology there is a wide variety of hair care products. However, homemade mask recipes do not lose popularity. As a rule, any housewife has products for making a mask, so it will not be difficult to make it yourself.

Choosing a hair mask

Masks differ from each other in composition and action. They are moisturizing, firming, restoring. To choose the right mask, you need to determine the type of hair, as well as the condition of the scalp.  

For dry, thin and brittle hair, restorative masks are used. In addition, they are used to prevent structural damage and maintain the quality of the hair. After all, even healthy hair needs care. Since the use of a hair dryer and curling irons damage the curls, making them lifeless and weakened.

Being affordable, absolutely harmless and perfectly digestible components will help you create masks suitable for any type of hair and achieve your goal. 

How to apply masks correctly?

Before applying the mask, follow these steps:

• First you need to comb your hair.

• Apply the product with palms from top to bottom, evenly distributing the composition through the hair. Collect long curls in a bun.

• Wrap your head with cling film or put on a bag, wrapping a scarf or towel on top. If the time is not indicated in the recipe, then the composition is kept on the hair for about 30 minutes.

• The mask should be left on the hair for as long as necessary, but no longer. Since sometimes compositions prepared from natural products contain components of strong action. Therefore, overdosing the product on the hair can burn the skin and damage the curls, worsening their appearance.

• Rinse off with warm water using a neutral shampoo. Finally rinse your head with a decoction of herbs;

The course is usually 10-15 procedures. Apply the composition twice a week. Then a break is made for a month, then again you can use natural remedies prepared at home.

The most effective natural hair products

Henna is used as a natural mask. She slightly colors the hair, aligning their structure. Using kefir or yogurt will give your hair smoothness and also get rid of dandruff.

Burdock oil restores and strengthens hair quite well, and in combination with aloe, honey and vitamin A, it will make hair shiny. To prepare the mask, you need to mix two tbsp. l. aloe juice with a pharmacy solution of vitamin A (5 grams), adding a little cognac.

Nourishing milk and egg mask with yeast is useful for weakened perms and dyed hair. It will give the hair smoothness, restoring their structure. We need 20 g of baker's pressed yeast, some milk and 1 tsp. mix sugar and wait 20 minutes. Egg yolk and 30 ml are added to the risen yeast. peach oil and mix well. Keep for 60 minutes after application.

As you can see, the choice of masks is quite diverse. Therefore, to solve any problem, you should decide which one will suit your hair type and help solve it.

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