Using starch for skin care

Starch is widely used in cooking and medicine. However, for skin care, it began to be used not so long ago. Starch has proven to be an ideal remedy for many skin problems. It ideally nourishes the skin, makes it supple, soft, also constricts blood vessels and has a whitening effect. It can be used to care for any type of skin, it has no contraindications.

Starch-based products can be used for preventive purposes and for the treatment of many skin diseases.

For sensitive skin, a starch and olive oil mask is ideal. You can add milk, various oils to the mask. To prepare the mask, you need to mix the same amount of starch with oil and apply to cleansed skin. You can wash off the product after 15 minutes.

For oily skin, experts recommend preparing a protein-starch mask. It is necessary to dilute a small amount of starch in warm water. One tablespoon of the resulting paste must be combined with one protein and a small amount of lemon juice. The mask can be applied to oily skin for ten minutes. The mask well tones, refreshes and cleanses the skin. In addition, it narrows the pores, thereby preventing the entry of harmful microorganisms.

To combat fine wrinkles and care for aging skin, you can use a mask of starch, salt, milk and honey. First you need to combine the same amount of starch and salt with milk, and then add a little honey. The mask should be applied to the skin in a thick layer for twenty minutes.

Often women want to whiten their skin without side effects. This can be done with a mask of starch and lemon juice. Indeed, in its pure form, lemon juice strongly irritates the skin, and starch has emollient properties, so this combination is most effective. It is necessary to combine the same amount of juice and starch. Apply the mask on the skin of the face in a thin layer for ten minutes.

Starch will help to constantly maintain the skin in good condition and eliminate imperfections. Therefore, it is worth preparing masks and other products based on starch.

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