Salt face mask benefits

Often people do not think about the benefits of products that are used daily for cooking. It is salt that is a valuable tool for skin regeneration. It can be freely used to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin.

When using salt, you need to follow the basic rules:

1. You need to choose fine-crystalline salt, because large granules can damage the skin.

2. Before using salt products, you need to test it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

3. Do not use salt on dry skin, as salt products can irritate the skin.

4. You can keep the salt remedy on the skin for no more than ten minutes.

5. Rinse off salt products easily and thoroughly so that no salt granules remain.

6. For the preparation of skin care products, you can take kitchen and sea salt.

Effective and best salt recipes:

1. Scrub with sea salt and oil. To prepare the scrub, you need to take the same amount of olive oil and fine sea salt. This product cleanses the skin well of foreign pollutants.

2. Mask of protein and salt. This mask perfectly cleanses the skin of blackheads. You need to take one protein and combine it with a full tablespoon of sea salt. The product must be thoroughly mixed and applied to wet skin.

3. Clay and salt mask. You need to choose clay depending on the desired goal. To prepare the product, you need to combine the same amount of salt and clay and add water to get a gruel.

4. Means based on soda and salt. It is necessary to dilute the same amount of soda and salt with a face wash and apply to the skin. The mask perfectly removes blackheads.

5. Mask based on salt and honey. You need to take a small amount of honey and salt and heat the remedy. This mask fights inflammation.

For facial care, you can use a variety of products that women use every day to prepare their meals and it is not necessary to spend money on expensive procedures and products.

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