Anti-wrinkle masks

With age, wrinkles inevitably appear on the face, around the eyes, mouth and forehead. It can also happen with improper skin care. Of course, such a phenomenon does not paint a woman at all. Today there is a wonderful way to solve this problem. These are nourishing anti-wrinkle masks, the effectiveness of which has been repeatedly proven.

You can easily make such masks at home.

The use of oil, butter or vegetable, is a necessary product for any part of the face. The oil is used not only as part of the composition of therapeutic masks, but can act as a night cream. In this case, this product is gently rubbed with fingers near the mouth and eyes and also applied to the forehead and other parts. Such a procedure is done before going to bed, but taking into account the time it will take to dry the mask, it is not necessary to wash off such a mask when going to bed.

A mask made from bread will help to cope with wrinkles on the forehead. The pulp of bread is soaked in warm butter or vegetable oil. Apply the resulting mixture in an even layer on the frontal part of the face and leave it for half an hour. Rinse afterwards with warm water.

You can smooth out the network of wrinkles around the eyes if you apply egg yolk to the problem area. After 20 minutes, this mask must be washed off. With deeper wrinkles, it is advisable to add vegetable oil to the yolk, the proportions should be the same.

A banana mask will also help get rid of fine wrinkles around the eyes. You need to take a tablespoon of mashed banana and mix with lukewarm butter. The resulting mass is taken with your fingertips and applied to the skin near the eyes. After 20 minutes, everything should be washed off with cool water.

It will be good to apply an oatmeal mask to problem areas in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mouth and corners of the nose, formed as a result of withering of the skin. To do this, pour 10 g of hot milk or heavy cream. oatmeal. When the flakes swell and cool, they need to be applied to those places that bother, and hold for 20 minutes. Then, with warm water, remove everything.

Such simple procedures will undoubtedly save a woman's face from wrinkles and allow her to be attractive for a long time.

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