Circular facelift

A circular facelift, or rhytidectomy, is one of the most popular types of plastic surgery today, the purpose of which is to restore skin elasticity, eliminate wrinkles and sagging, wrinkles around the lips and nose, as well as other signs of aging. Such an operation is performed by removing excess fatty tissue and tightening a group of facial muscles in such a way as to redistribute the skin. With the help of such an operation, you can rejuvenate your appearance by 5 to 10 years. That is why the circular lift is so popular. Modern cosmetology has been practicing this method of rejuvenation for several decades.

How does a circular lift work?

To begin with, the doctor diagnoses factors that can cause contraindications: smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs, allergies.
Next, you need to conduct a complete medical examination. At the next stage, the doctor studies the structure of the woman's face and the features of the formation of wrinkles. This is followed by the most difficult stage - two weeks before the operation. It involves giving up alcohol and smoking, stopping the use of drugs. The day before the operation, you can eat only light food in small doses, on the day of the operation you can neither drink nor eat.

The operation takes place under general anesthesia in several stages:
- an incision from the temple to the border of the auricle;
- detachment of the skin in pre-designated areas of the neck and face;
- skin redistribution and muscle tightening;
- get rid of excess skin;
- fixing connective tissue;
- skin tightening.

Experienced plastic surgeons say that a truly effective circular facelift can only be done twice, so it is not recommended to do the operation more often than once every 5-6 years. The third time can already be not only ineffective, but also dangerous: facial features can change critically and without the possibility of a full recovery.

In general, a circular facelift has practically no contraindications (only standard ones for all plastic surgeries). This is a fairly effective method of rejuvenation, which is actively practiced in modern clinics.

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