The right makeup for a round face

Many women who are owners of a round face consider themselves not attractive and not expressive. Although in reality this is not the case at all. You just need to choose the right cosmetics to do makeup, and most importantly, do it right, then a lady with a charcoal face will look like a queen.

It is worth remembering that makeup is done in order to slightly lengthen the girl's face visually, and make it more oval. It is enough just to follow a few simple rules, and the face will look perfect.

For example, to make the right makeup on a round face, you need to choose the right foundation. It is simply necessary to use it. The dark or light tone to use will depend on the skin color of the girl. But don't apply foundation all over your face. It is enough to apply only on the temples, under the cheeks and on the jaw. You need to make an oval shape. If a lady is also the owner of a rather large nose, then even with a simple make-up, she will be able to change its shape easily and simply, without needing to contact a plastic surgeon. You just need to apply foundation on the wings of the nose.

In order for makeup for a round face to be correct, it is better to choose a terracotta foundation. They can have dark and light shades. To correct chubby cheeks, you can choose the right blush. They can be, for example, peach in color. From can be applied only diagonally. Do not use those blush that have cold shades. They only emphasize the round shape of the face.

It is worth paying more attention to eye makeup. Do not make long arrows. Shadows can be picked up absolutely any shade, but they can only be applied to the eyelids themselves, and then they can be shaded. In addition, you should not paint the lower cilia with mascara, you can just bring them with shadows.

It is also worth drawing the eyebrows correctly, they should be ascending.

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