A few simple rules for a useful shower

Many modern people love to end or start their day with a shower. This hygiene procedure can be most useful if performed according to the following rules:

1. You can enjoy streams of water every day, but not longer than 20 minutes. The fact is that a longer stay in the shower can lead to loosening of skin cells. As a result, it will lose its stability against the influence of external factors.

2. Do not take a shower with hot water, because it dries the skin a lot. A cool shower is considered the most useful, since summer water has a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on blood vessels. Strengthens cool water and the body's defenses.

3. Fans of a warm shower can adjust the temperature of the water during the hygiene procedure. It is best to start taking a shower with lukewarm water, then you can gradually increase its temperature. At the main stage of being in the shower, you can use hot water, and at the very end, make it cool again. Thanks to this technique, the pores will close, and moisture will remain in the subcutaneous layers.

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