How to apply makeup correctly?

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Being charmingly beautiful is easy! It's all about the right clothes and flawless makeup! And makeup is a delicate matter, in execution - jewelry! But the result is worth it, and the usual everyday techniques eventually turn into the art of decorating external aesthetics with the help of cosmetics.

So what is the right way to apply makeup?

So, before applying makeup, prepare your face with cleansing procedures. To do this, use a special lotion or milk. Then moisturize the skin, because after washing it is tightened and needs hydrating substances that carry life-giving moisture into its structure. The main thing is to follow the direction of the massage lines and gently work the area around the eyes with your fingers.

Choosing the right place for the right make-up application

Having finished with these procedures, choose exactly where you will apply makeup. The mistake of many is that, regardless of the style (natural daytime or formal evening) of applying makeup, you prefer to do it in your favorite territory. Very often, it is a bathroom or a mirror in the hallway with not the best artificial light sources, where, going to work in the morning, you do not cause any inconvenience to the household members who continue to sleep. This is the most important mistake, since daytime makeup should be done with an abundance of ambient light, otherwise during the day, in natural light, it can look sloppy and unnatural. But for the evening, more saturated, artificial lighting is also perfect, the main thing here is to do without haste.

Apply corrective and foundation products for maximum natural effect, and carefully blend them, erasing the border of funds and natural complexion.

Choosing the right colors and shades for the perfect makeup

The next step is to decide on a color palette. The best assistant here is experiment. Naturally, having tried the effect of a particular color on your appearance, you will unmistakably understand which tones to give preference to. But if you have not gone through all the possibilities and want to hear the opinion of stylists, then refer to the laws of the color type, according to which 4 types of appearance are distinguished, or focus on the color of your eyes, creating a wonderful frame for them using coloring. You can use a multi-dimensional palette, the main thing is to blend the edges of the merging shadows and clearly follow the rule - from light to dark, heading from the inner corner of the eye to the outer.

If nature has rewarded you with an Irish temperament and playful green eyes, then you should know that makeup for green eyes involves the use of the following range: all shades of brown and deep green. A wonderful metallic that goes into bronze or gives off the nobility of gold will suit you. Peach and gray-brown colors are suitable as a base.

In case the warmth of your look resembles sweet and attractive chocolate, then makeup for brown eyes can be varied. The main thing is the style and tone of your skin. However, feel free to experiment with olive tones, a brown palette (dark skin) and even a bright cold application of a catchy blue and ultramarine theme (fair skin). You can style your make-up with eyeliner, creating an aggressive Egyptian look that conceals the mystery of the universe.

Not necessarily a heavenly shade should be makeup for blue eyes, which immediately comes to mind. Make-up of pink tones, noble silver, exquisite gold and violet, so fashionable today, will look good. In addition to extreme makeup, calmer taupe, pearl and lavender styles are also suitable.

The sharp shine of steel eyes can be gracefully emphasized using makeup for gray eyes, for which the shades of the gray palette will become indispensable, but subject to one condition - it should be a couple of tones darker than the iris and preferably shiny, especially the luminous effect is still at the peak of popularity . For a festive outing, the use of velvet blues and rich blues will be good.

It is also worth remembering that makeup for brunettes and makeup for blondes also have their own characteristics.

Color wonderful eyelashes, achieving the effect of volume, length or their harmonious combination. And now you are almost ready to conquer the universe. It remains to apply gloss or lipstick of more saturated tones on the lips, smoothly weaving it into the contour drawn with a pencil. Once again, carefully look in the mirror: the ideal woman is looking at you with the eyes of a goddess!

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