Makeup for brown-haired women

According to statistics, the vast majority of girls who use makeup in the daily rhythm of life try to completely avoid lipstick. At the same time, they consider it their necessity to highlight the eyes. To do this, they come to the aid of a countless palette of shades and tones of various eye contour pencils, shadows, and mascara. This kind of accent is great for women with dark hair. In addition, sophisticated lip color and eye highlights are a key attribute of this season's fashion.

Remember, the new trend of the season is matte lip tones. Now no one draws plump lips with a pencil. Makeup artists fully apply only the natural contour of the lips. As for brown-haired women, you need to consider that red shades of lipstick suit them very much. It is better not to touch brown lipsticks at all, in view of the fact that they have lost their relevance.

Daily makeup

The real hit of 2011 is the naturalness and naturalness of makeup, in other words, the phenomenon in the world of makeup called “nude look”. Emphasis on the eyes of a woman is achieved by shades of gray in the shadows, or you can use some tricks in the style of a “woman vamp”, which is just perfect for evening outings. Such coloring is extremely important for brown-haired women, however, before you start working on your appearance, you need to figure out some of the nuances of color.

Natural make-up is in some way a relief for the female audience, advocating for the harmony and naturalness of their own appearance. Such makeup involves the use of a minimum of cosmetics. The main basis of natural makeup is well-groomed facial skin and its even color.

Not so long ago, there was a fashion for pale skin, and now it is gradually coming into the everyday fashion world. Fashion comes to whitish powders, however, they are not quite suitable for brown-haired women, but this is easy to correct with the help of warm shades of powder, which perfectly refresh the natural color of the hair and make the skin of our face dazzling and exciting.

What is best to avoid is the foundation for make-up of pink shades, which will turn your complexion into an unnatural and flashy one, as well as emphasize minor skin defects, make the skin color extremely unpleasant and painful. Although there are exceptions, if, for example, your hair color is the closest to very dark, then experimenting with a pink makeup base can go with a bang. A good base for basic makeup is produced by L'OREAL, this cosmetics is well suited for brown-haired women of almost all shades of hair. Dark-skinned brown-haired women can also use bronzes, because their skin will become even more radiant from this.

One of the ideal makeup options for brown-haired women might look like this: use blush a couple of tones darker than our complexion and brown mascara. We shade our blush in the most usual way, first we apply them to the most protruding parts of the cheekbones (depending on the type of face). Many makeup artists are extremely categorical about the use of lip glosses this season, so fashionable in the recent past. Instead, they use various moisturizing and hygienic lipsticks.

Apply mascara to the eyelashes as carefully as possible, avoiding sticking of its pieces. In order for this procedure to be successful, they are combed with a special comb, which can often be found complete with mascara. Shadows are best applied using a soft brush, and blended with a brush with a rectangular bristle.

If your lashes are long and have sufficient volume, it's best to apply mascara in just one layer so as not to weigh down your look. By doing so, you will personify that coveted naturalness, incredibly attractive this season.

Evening make-up of brown-haired women is more refined and even to some extent more glamorous than daytime. It puts a lot of emphasis on the eyes. The highlight of the current season is the shades of gray. It will look more natural not local gray, but a combination of brown and beige, moreover, the transition should be natural and smooth, which can be easily achieved by carefully shading the shadows.

It will not be superfluous to use thin and liquid eyeliners, it is best when their color matches the shade of the hair.

Undoubtedly, brown eyeliner suits brown-haired women the most. The line should be drawn neatly, it should be thin and close to the base of the lashes. After that, it is recommended to blend the border of the eyeliner using a brush. Next, you can safely do the application of shadows.

The daytime application option this season involves the use of two shades of the same eyeshadow color at once. The one that is lighter is more appropriate to apply to the inner area of ​​​​the moving eyelid, when the darker one should occupy the outer corner of the eye. It is best that the transition is natural and smooth. A dark shade of color is applied to the border of the moving eyelid, visually this gives your look a special sensuality and depth.

I'm Brown - and it ... sounds!

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