What makes a woman look younger

Today you can meet a woman “without age” not only on the stage or in the cinema, but also in everyday life: in transport, on the street, at work ... Smooth elastic skin, no wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, a slender toned body - time has no power over them .
How do they do it? We'll rage. The first thing to pay attention to is the condition of the skin.

• Humidity.

In order to understand the state of your skin, press your palms to your face so that your fingertips touch your earlobes.

Hold this position for a few seconds, and then remove your hands. The moisture level of your skin is sufficient if you feel a slight sticky effect. If it doesn't feel like that, your skin needs a good moisturizer. Creams with herbal extracts and extracts, vitamins, minerals, acids, natural oils and sunscreen components will come to your aid. And it’s also worth experimenting with the procedure for applying the cream: soak a thick cotton napkin with warm water, wring it out and apply the cream directly on it, and only after that put the napkin on your face.

It will be possible to remove it not earlier than in 15 minutes • Density.

You can check it as follows: pull the skin of the cheeks a little towards the ears and see if wrinkles appear around the eyes.

If existing wrinkles have formed or become more pronounced, the skin around the eyes needs care aimed at increasing its density. We are talking about gentle peeling and natural nourishing masks. A mask based on honey and yolk perfectly increases the density of the skin.

It should be done regularly for a long time, but the effect will be noticeable after the first procedures. • Elasticity.

It is this factor that guarantees the absence of sagging skin.

Elasticity test: squeeze a small area of ​​the skin of the cheeks with your fingers and observe how quickly the skin returns to its original state. Elastic skin will quickly return to its original state. The easiest way to restore skin elasticity is by daily massage and rubbing with ice cubes, to enhance the effect, you can freeze herbal infusions or green tea

• Who is weaker?

Not everyone knows the fact that the withering of the face occurs unevenly.

To reveal which side of the face needs more protection, stretch tightly closed lips into a smile. The “weak” side will be more wrinkled. It is for this part of the face that you need to take care of the maximum and avoid heavy loads: do not sleep on it and carefully monitor the reaction to care products • Cleansing is the key to youth.

Any specialist in the field of cosmetology will confirm this.

That is why at night you should remove cosmetics from your face, even its very minimum. Apply cleansing gel, foam or mousse to all parts of the face and evenly distribute along the massage lines.

Particular attention should be paid to cleansing the wings of the nose and the area around the nostrils. Remember, wrinkles are not so terrible as an extinct look and an indifferent expression. A woman "without age" can be recognized by a mischievous gleam in her eyes and a cheerful cheerful mood. Love life and be beautiful - it's fashionable and pleasant!

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