How to make the skin of the face healthy?

All girls dream that our facial skin looks great and without any extra makeup, but you can’t get the perfect result without effort.

Beauty is a great work, to look amazing as a result of maintaining beauty and youth, you need to devote a lot of time every single day to caring for your face, beauty is a very great and hard work. 

The most important thing is to determine the type of your skin, which then we were able to collect an arsenal of "magic" products - these are creams, scrubs, lotions and other face care products. Cosmetics should be chosen from a well-known brand, which is checked by specialists and tested by dermatological companies, because after choosing the right products, there are chances that you will not get new imperfections on your face, such as rashes, acne or inflammatory acne.  

Also, when making a choice in cosmetics, you should take into account your years, if you are no longer young, but still want and want to keep what you have, then you should use not only purchased products, but also add folk recipes, thanks to which you stay young.

Every girl is annoyed by some kind of inflammation, peeling, acne, black spots and other inflammatory appearances on her face. These problems are quite difficult in getting rid of them, but everything is possible with an effort and at the same time, without giving up. The biggest secret lies in your diet, which is probably not correct and to renew the skin of the face, then you will have to completely change your diet to improve your skin. Don't drink too much coffee - it's better to drink two cups of green tea instead of one cup of coffee, and limit fatty and spicy foods, and if possible, avoid them completely. If you smoke and drink, then be sure to give it up, changing it to sports, vegetables and healthy drinks, you will see, you will notice the result quickly, from which you will be pleasantly surprised.

It is worth washing your face in the morning with cold water, or if you are not used to it, then it is enough to wipe your face with an ice cube - this will make your skin supple, toned and elastic. Also try to make healthy masks at least about 3 times a week. Smear your face with cream during the winter, and protect from the sun in the summer, because the sun ages your skin faster. The more you take care of your skin, the younger it will look.

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