Kumis what is it

Kumis has been known to mankind since ancient times. Koumiss was "invented" by the nomadic peoples of the southeastern part of present-day Russia and Central Asia. Nomads who made koumiss kept the secret of its preparation in the strictest confidence, and those who divulged the secret were blinded.

Kumis is the national product of the Tatars and Mongols, and is also popular with the Kyrgyz, Kazakhs.

What is koumiss?

Koumiss is a fermented milk drink made from mare's milk (sometimes from camel's or cow's milk). Freshly prepared koumiss is a foaming drink with an alcoholic smell and taste.

Useful properties of koumiss are simply endless. The use of koumiss is useful for beriberi, exhaustion, koumiss gives vigor and energy, returns lost appetite, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, increases the volume of respiratory movements, normalizes metabolism and secretory activity of the digestive system, increases blood pressure, saturates the blood with oxygen, improves digestibility of food, helps with treatment of typhoid fever, dysentery, tuberculosis. In addition, koumiss has a positive effect on hematopoietic activity, increases hemoglobin, effectively relieves hangover, has bactericidal properties, and can also slow down the growth of cancer cells.

Kumis contains antibiotic substances that strengthen the immune system and destroy pathogenic bacteria in the body. Therefore, koumiss is recommended for anemia, chronic diarrhea, rickets.

Kumis is useful not only for people, but also for animals: they treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of cows, horses, sheep, donkeys.

It should be added that koumiss masks have an excellent effect on the condition of the skin, it becomes healthy and elastic.

But despite all the benefits of koumiss, it should be used with caution, especially in case of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases and individual intolerance.

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