Genodiet - a hit among diets

The geno diet is very popular in the USA.

Every season, the media offers new diets that should lead to weight loss, improved appearance and good mood. Today, doctors are promoting the geno diet.

A proper diet contains a well-balanced healthy diet and should also be varied. This is a diet that should be followed for a long time. Do not believe in fairy tales about mono diets, if they bring a little weight loss, then this is a temporary effect, since in a weakened body there is a yo-yo effect on weight.

The geno diet is a hit in the US.

This method, otherwise known as the DNA diet, is based on adjusting the daily menu based on the person's genetic code. Before developing the menu, it is necessary to pass a short test, taking into account the results of which experts establish the presence of "bad" genes. They can detect an obesity gene or other mutations that will cause health problems in the future. Obviously, only the establishment of "bad genes" is not enough to preserve the vitality of a person, so the diet not only corrects nutrition, but also takes into account other factors.

An important factor is the time of year.

Taking into account the changing seasons, experts say, is very important when developing nutritional recommendations. For example, in the spring vegetables appear that will benefit some and harm others. It is also about excluding from the menu products that can add extra pounds to a person. Therefore, the menu takes into account not only genetic inclinations, but also personal preferences, age, possible allergies, health status and lifestyle.

According to nutritionists, such a diet is safe for both women and men. It is recommended for both overweight and underweight people. This diet can be recommended even to children.

Genodiet and exercise.

Any diet must be accompanied by appropriate physical activity, without which the very use of the diet is meaningless. Proper physical activity is considered to be one that takes into account age and level of physical fitness. Coaches working with nutritionists who develop menus offer a special set of exercises that is optimal for a given person. It is recommended that in the initial phase of the diet, be sure to consult with an experienced trainer.

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