Lose weight with the Asian diet

Traditions, customs, way of life of any people are unique and unrepeatable. It is very difficult to say what is barbarism and what is an example to follow. For representatives of some nationalities, a raw food diet is the norm, a “storehouse” of vitamins, for others it is a source of disease.

Today, scientists and doctors around the world are studying the diet, which they call "Asian". This attention is due to the fact that diseases of the cardiovascular system in the Asian region are almost not affected, and life expectancy is high. People who are overweight are rare. What is the "secret" of their nutrition? In the absence of extremes in food intake and in its balance, stability: the regimen and the absence of semi-finished products, fast foods in the diet. We can safely say that this is the “golden” rule of this diet. Food is perceived by the peoples of Asia as a means of supporting the body and spirit in a "working" tone.

What products will you need?

Rice is the main dish of the peoples of the East. Boiled rice nutritionists advise eating with boiled vegetables. All other foods are common to Westerners as well. This includes milk, poultry meat, eggs (nutritionists advise including both meat and eggs at least 2 times a week), and potatoes. Green tea (1 cup) and mineral water (2 liters per day) are a must for the diet. How useful is this food? Rice, for example, reduces the risk of cancer, perfectly fights hunger. Soy beans help lower cholesterol, and green tea has a positive effect on brain function and strengthens bones. At the same time, it is an excellent sedative.

Consider the rules of the Asian diet:

1) Don't get hung up on counting calories!
2) It is advisable to eat only boiled vegetables!
It is believed that cold foods are responsible for slowing down the metabolism. 3) Include fruits in your diet in moderation!
Preferably for breakfast. 4) Diversify the menu with all kinds of cereals!
They enrich us with carbohydrates and fiber, so necessary for the body. 5) Include meat regularly in the menu! 6) Limit yourself in the consumption of dairy products!
In the east, the calcium necessary for the body is provided by plant products. 7) Drink water properly!
8) Don't forget about exercise! Yoga and oriental dances are perfect for this. Consider the approximate daily menu of the diet in question.

For breakfast you will need 200 gr. fruits, a small portion of boiled rice and a glass of green tea.

At lunch, allow yourself ocean fish (at least boiled, at least fried) 150 gr., a portion of seafood, crustaceans, vegetables with soy sauce. All this without oil and salt. A cup of green tea will lift your vitality.

Dinner of sushi or wild rice with shrimp and a cup of black tea will strengthen your anticipation of a new beautiful day.

If you can’t immediately refuse bread, eat a piece of black for lunch.

Good luck and good mood to all.

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