Lose weight with crab diet

The crab diet can bring noticeable results in a fairly short time. However, any diet based on the use of only one or two foods for several days has its drawbacks. It is worth considering all the pros and cons before deciding to try such a diet for yourself.


The duration of the diet should not exceed 4 days. During this time, the diet consists of 1 liter of low-fat kefir and a 200-gram package of crab sticks.

This amount of food is divided into 5 equal portions and eaten every 2 hours.

Additionally, you can drink unsweetened green tea and mineral water without restrictions. Other foods during this diet are not recommended.

Diet Benefits

Most crab sticks are not made from crabs at all, but from minced sea fish.
Most often pollock is used. Minced fish undergoes heat treatment, after which it is frozen. Sticks made from high-quality raw materials and using the right technology do not lose the beneficial properties of sea fish: they contain vitamins A and E, healthy fats. They have almost no carbohydrates, and the protein, which is abundant in the product, gives a feeling of fullness for a long time. This makes the diet easier to carry.

100 g of sticks contain less than 100 calories, so the body, lacking energy, consumes the available reserves, and the person is rapidly losing weight. The diet can be called effective.


Since manufacturers are trying to reduce the cost of producing the product, vegetable protein is often added to the sticks. Sometimes its quantity even exceeds the volume of minced fish. In addition, the sticks contain flavors and preservatives. Such poor-quality food will only cause harm.

The downside of any express diet is that the quickly lost kilograms return when switching to the previous diet.


You should choose only high-quality fish sticks. How to do it?

It is necessary to carefully study the composition of the purchased product - vegetable protein should not be there.

The sticks themselves should not easily crumble or bend, have an unpleasant smell or taste.

It is important to remember that the crab diet is not designed for a longer period than 3-4 days. If you neglect this recommendation, you may encounter unpleasant consequences: beriberi, deterioration in well-being or health.

Before you go on such a diet, you need to consult with your doctor.

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