Lose weight with the blueberry diet

The blueberry diet is a seasonal diet. After all, it is in July and August that it is so easy to enjoy juicy and ripe blueberries, which have great benefits for the human body. Blueberries contain flavonoids that improve memory, and blueberries are also good for vision, and it is not in vain that many corresponding vitamins have been created on its basis.

You only need to stick to the blueberry diet for three days, for such a seemingly short period of time you can lose up to three kilograms! And you can be sure - the weight lost after the diet will not return in the form of folds to their original places!

So, your daily diet will consist of four glasses of blueberries, half a liter of kefir and natural yogurt (250 ml is enough). Yogurt for a diet is bought low-fat!

In the morning, eat a small portion of cottage cheese and half a glass of washed blueberries. Berries can be mixed with a little sour cream. You can also immediately drink a glass of kefir. The second breakfast is also provided: mix half a glass of kefir with a glass of blueberries and eat. Lunch again consists of cottage cheese. This time mix it with blueberries and sour cream. Drink a glass of kefir. For an afternoon snack, you need to mix a little natural yogurt with half a glass of berries. Drink the resulting delicious cocktail. Well, for dinner, drink half a glass of kefir, adding the chopped remaining berries there.

By the way, you can drink the same kefir-blueberry cocktail just before going to bed!

Blueberries have a fairly low calorie content, but at the same time they saturate the body with a large amount of minerals, antioxidants and vitamins. blueberries also contain those substances that strengthen collagen, therefore, with the help of this diet, you will improve the condition of the skin. But it is so important not only to effectively lose weight, but also to get rid of sagging skin! Blueberries also act as a mild laxative, speeding up bowel movements.

As you can see, the blueberry diet is quite simple, you do not have to starve. However, it is also very tasty! However, you should still consult your doctor before doing so!

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