Lose weight in 5 days with rice nutrition

The rice diet for weight loss and body cleansing has been famous for more than two decades. The rice diet is healthy and safe.

Rice nutrition for weight loss

The standard instruction for rice nutrition is simple - after dinner, in two glasses of hot water, soak one glass of long or round rice.
The next morning, it is necessary to wash the rice from starch with water several times. After the rice, fill with three glasses of water and boil without adding spices. Distribute into six diets, and consume all day, at regular intervals. There is also a method in which rice is soaked for five days, periodically changing the water, boiled without salt and eaten. The diet is kept from five to fourteen days.
It is forbidden to add salt and various oils to rice. With rice food, you can drink water and tea. The food is very unpretentious and quite tasty.

Rice nutrition for body cleansing

Rice nutrition, to cleanse the body with a minimum amount of fluid intake, will help improve digestion. You need to eat according to the schedule. Drink a cup of warm water on Monday. In half a liter of water, boil two hundred and fifty grams of brown and thirty grams of black rice, without salt. So much porridge you need to eat from Monday to Friday. Divide into three or four meals and consume before the end of the day. Do not forget early in the morning, drink a mug of hot water. For the whole day you can drink four hundred grams of water after eating. On Saturday, a portion of rice is replaced with vegetables or fruits.

On Sunday, it is allowed to add sunflower oil and turmeric to the serving.

There is a recipe for Saturday and Sunday, it takes another seven days. After, it's time to replace the porridge with fruits, beans and fish meat. Three servings of porridge remain in the reception.

Rice nutrition for cleansing the body is necessary for people with excellent immunity. Before you start rice nutrition, you need to consult a doctor.

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