Lose weight after childbirth

After giving birth, almost every mom wants to return to her former shape. You also have to deal with stretch marks, overweight, sagging breasts. It is important to solve the problem comprehensively. Pay attention to your diet, pick up cosmetics, go in for sports.

Start to follow the figure before childbirth. Stick to a healthy diet. You can not overeat, eat everything. Please note that all smoked, fatty foods, fast food adversely affect your condition and the baby. Eat a lot of dairy products, vegetables and fruits, fish, greens.

Girls in an interesting position should not lie on the couch for 9 months. Excessive loads are contraindicated, but you need to move anyway. Walk outside, sign up for a pool, do yoga. Sports - your chance to give birth easily, quickly bring the figure in order.

If you have already given birth to a baby, then everything becomes more complicated. You can't eat everything. Salads with low-fat dressings are ideal. Eat vegetable stew, lean fish, meat, kefir , milk, cottage cheese, cereals, yogurt are also suitable. Also use honey with nuts and fruits. Buy special household appliances to cook everything faster. Bake fish with meat in a slow cooker.

A young mother usually leads an active and active lifestyle. A nursing mother loses about 700 calories per day anyway.

After 2 months, you can play sports if the birth was not difficult. Loads increase gradually. The problem area is the stomach. Rock your abs, buy a hula hoop. If you gave birth to a baby by caesarean section, then you can start the exercises only after six months. Dancing and light gymnastics is what you need. Walking is the optimal exercise. Try to move more.

Wrapping will help get rid of stretch marks. Take black or blue clay for this. Dilute it with water, apply this composition to problem areas of the skin, distribute everything evenly. The clay should dry out, then just wash it off.

To enhance the effect, use cling film. Roll up problem areas, create a "greenhouse effect". You can add sea salt, oil, honey to the clay.

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