Olive oil is the secret to longevity

The secret of aristocratic taste and the rare benefits of the Mediterranean diet is hidden in it. It is a symbol of fertility, prosperity, purity. It is olive oil.

In fact, it is freshly squeezed olive fruit juice. Oil conceals monounsaturated fats, oleic acid. Its daily use reduces the risk of issues with the health of the heart, blood vessels and digestive system. The most impressive use of oil brings in a cold and raw form. But even heat treatment does not completely kill its benefits. You can cook food on it. Foods baked or fried in olive oil are less dangerous than those cooked in other fats.

The world record holder for longevity calls olive oil the main assistant for health. And you can trust the 122-year-old lady.

Olive oil is a treasure of cosmetology. The mask with it will make the skin velvety. Warm oil is an incomparable prevention of stretch marks. And his drop, introduced into the shampoo, will turn the hair into a shiny silk.

Olive oil has its drawbacks. It is very high in calories. The volume of its use must be controlled. It is poor in vitamin E, polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The old truth works, food should be varied.

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