Light diet salad

Light and simple salad, rich in vitamins.
It contains the necessary and necessary vitamins for the body, prepared from natural products, and of course it is necessary to season with olive oil. The cooking method is quite easy and all the necessary ingredients are sold in any store. A salad from such a composition of products can be safely consumed before bedtime, at dinner, because there are a small number of calories in it.

How to cook:
Take the vegetables, rinse in cold water.
Look at the bow so that there are no sluggish tips.
Do not cut the feathers finely, so the taste will be more interesting.
Cut the pepper into two parts, clean from internal seeds and cut into strips (but not thick) or strips, as you like.
We take our cherry tomatoes, tear off the tails and cut in half with a knife.
Put green onions, peppers, tomatoes in a plate, season and mix. Olive oil is suitable for dressing, and you can also try with sour cream (not fatty) or yogurt (not sweet).

Serve at the table after cooking, because if the vegetables stand, they release juice and the taste is not very good.
Rate this diet salad and you will see that the diet is healthy and tasty.

For cooking:
red bell pepper 2 pcs.
(medium) cherry tomatoes 6 pcs. (fresh)
green onion 40 g.
salt (just a little bit)
olive oil 1 tbsp. spoon

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