How to rinse your hair with tea

It's nice to have healthy hair. After all, they are an indicator of the health of the body. You can judge by the hair how much attention a person treats his own person. The greasy sheen looks unattractive from the outside, and the owner is uncomfortable. If you have tried many recipes, it seems there is no way out, you can use ordinary tea. What's the secret?

Our grandmothers not only quenched their thirst with a wonderful drink, but also used it as a cosmetic hair care product. Indeed, the beauty and grooming of their hair could only be admired. What helped them keep their hair healthy, despite the use of curlers and drying curls. It turns out the secret is quite simple, all that we need to be near us. It is worth taking a closer look and trying to use what you throw in the trash can.

Brewed tea leaves should not be thrown away, you should take 1 liter of water, add tea leaves and boil. It is recommended to add lemon juice to the resulting mixture. The secret of this rinse is that the constituent components prevent the release of fat and return shine to the hair. An effective remedy for oily hair is oak bark. It must be infused with black tea.

If you want to enhance the color of brown hair, you must use infused black tea. It is recommended to use granulated varieties. To do this, prepare a tea solution and boil it on the stove for 15 minutes. Let it brew and rinse your hair with it. Then tie them with a towel. The effect will be stronger if you put a plastic cap on your head. In such a sauna, it is enough to hold your hair for 10 minutes, and you will get a beautiful shade.

If your hair has acquired a dull color, you need to prepare a strong tea leaves and add mint leaves. After rinsing the hair with a chilled infusion, the hair will acquire a fresh shine.

Dear women! The health of your hair is up to you. Use folk remedies, use tea and your hair will look healthy.

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