Useful properties of colors

Any color has healing properties.
Red - improves the process of blood circulation, speeds up the pulse, activates the metabolism, thanks to which the nutrition of organs and tissues is improved.
It also increases adrenaline in the blood. Pink - reduces aggressiveness, a feeling of peace appears.
Orange - normalizes the lymphatic system, stabilizes the amount of hormones, launches vitality, removes depression and blues.
Yellow and lemon colors accelerate brain processes, replenish muscle energy.
Positive effect on the nervous system. Green - positively affects the performance of the cardiovascular system, improves immunity, easily copes with negative emotions.
Blue - perfectly calms the nervous system.
Blue - has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
This is the color of peace and harmony. Violet - has a healing effect on the heart and lungs, improves eyesight.
Black - fixes and stabilizes the energy potential of a person

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