How to beat cellulite in 3 steps?

Cellulite does not spare either thin people or full ones.
What will help protect against it? Where does it come from?
Cellulite appears in loose connective fibers, in which lymph begins to stagnate and toxins accumulate. The fibers gradually increase and cellulite appears. Blame: overweight, debilitating diets, unhealthy, unhealthy diet, uncomfortable clothing, constant stress, posture curvature and a sedentary lifestyle. Cellulite also causes hormonal imbalances.

3 Ways to Beat Cellulite Effortlessly
Move. Lack of activity is the main cause of cellulite.
Go in for sports, walk more often - leave the car away from work, do without an elevator, remember it as a last resort. Drink. Pure water is an easy way to cleanse the body.
Green tea will help eliminate toxins, you need at least two cups a day. In the evening, in the shower, spend a session of light massage. The bottom-up technique is recommended.

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