Tactics for achieving ideal weight

It would seem that the secret of an ideal physical form is very simple: moderation in nutrition and physical activity. Why are there so many overweight people on the streets in real life? This is because. That for most, the idea of ​​proper and moderate nutrition is associated with strict diets that simply cannot be sustained for a long time.

Therefore, for many people trying to lose weight, the phenomenon of weight swings is often characteristic. They go on a strict diet, lose about a dozen kilograms in a couple of weeks. Then a breakdown inevitably follows, a return to the previous diet and a set of extra pounds again. Such behavior not only does not allow you to achieve the ideal parameters of the figure, but also entails serious health problems.

In fact, the only thing that needs to be done is to break the vicious circle of diets and belly feasts. To achieve a slim figure and prevent health problems caused by excess weight, it is not necessary to go on strict diets and starve yourself. The only thing to do is to make just a few changes in your life.

The first thing you need to learn is to listen to the signals of your body. It is necessary to make it a rule before you eat something to listen to your body and fully focus on the process of eating. Such a simple tactic will help avoid emotional overeating and unconscious eating just out of boredom, because it's time to eat or for company. The main thing is to learn to eat only when you want, and not just like that.

The second step should be the rejection of rare and irregular meals. Many believe that the appearance of hunger is the first sign of burning fat and losing weight. But if you endure hunger for too long, then you can eat much more than the body needs and, as a result, get even fatter. In addition, any period of fasting, even the shortest, slows down the metabolism. Which also prevents weight loss.

The third step flows smoothly from the second step: obligatory breakfast as soon as possible after waking up. The habit of eating breakfast helps to speed up the metabolism and protects against severe bouts of hunger during the day. In order to feel the desire to have breakfast in the morning, you need to have dinner no later than a few hours before bedtime. Then dinner will have time to fully assimilate overnight, and the morning will begin with a good appetite and a full breakfast.

Also, do not forget about the recommendations to eat more vegetables and fruits. They not only contain vitamins and fiber, but also, due to their bright color and taste, help to significantly diversify the diet and avoid boredom.

If you follow these few simple rules and add at least minimal physical activity to them, then you can say goodbye to extra pounds without self-torture.

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