What to do if sunburnt?

The topic of tanning, sunburn is always relevant. What measures are not taken for sunburns! Most often smear burnt areas with sour cream.

But don't neglect these.

1. Take a cool shower. Do not use gels and scrub in this case.

2. A common folk remedy is to lubricate burnt places with kefir or yogurt. But be careful: microbes multiply rapidly in these products if stored improperly. This can exacerbate the problem of burned skin.

3. Apply chilled tea bags after brewing.

4. Another way is an oatmeal mask. A small amount of oatmeal is brewed. The cooled slurry is applied to the skin.

5. Baths with a decoction of chamomile or with a solution of soda are effective. After a baking soda bath, let the baking soda dry on the body.

6. Very good effect of aloe juice. You can dilute it with chilled boiled water in equal proportions. You can directly apply the pulp of aloe to the burn site. Wash the aloe leaf. Then the side spikes are cut off, and the skin is cut off on one side. The side with the pulp is applied to the skin. The pain subsides and there is rapid healing without blistering. By the way, this method is effective for any superficial skin burns.

7. From pharmacy products, panthenol is recommended in the form of a spray.

8. If your body temperature rises, take an aspirin. Suprastin as an antihistamine.

9. But the best method from the point of view of physicians is to wipe the skin with alcohol or vodka. You will feel relief and pleasant coolness instantly. Excellent prevention of blister formation in deep burns.

10. Never use vegetable oil!

Have a nice holiday!

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