Hand and nail care in cold weather

In the cold season, our nails and hand skin require more thorough care.
It is at this point that our hands need thorough moisturizing. Therefore, it is worth making it a rule to lubricate hands and nails before going outside and after returning from frost, and also, be sure to use gloves. It is useful to moisturize the cuticle with olive oil. Try to drink more water, it has a beneficial effect on skin hydration. From a sharp temperature drop, the nails begin to crack and exfoliate. To strengthen the nail plate, you can do homemade baths. Add lemon juice or sea salt to warm, but not hot water and hold your nails for 15-20 minutes, and then use the hand cream again. Recently, paraffin therapy has become very popular, which is easy to do at home. To do this, dip your hands several times in melted paraffin, and then wrap them in plastic bags and hold for 10 minutes.

If the skin of your hands is very weathered, try using an overnight hand mask.
Lubricate your hands and nails generously with a greasy cream, wrap them in cotton cloth, put on gloves and go to bed. In the morning, the condition of the hands should be much better. At the same time, do not try to do peeling, trying to remove weathered skin, this will lead to the opposite effect. Take care of your hands, all velvety skin and neat manicure always attract attention and help to make a good impression about yourself.

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