Benefits of walking outside before bed

Who hasn't complained about insomnia?
There are probably no such people in the world. The causes of insomnia are many. But in this article we will not dwell on them. Do you want to get rid of insomnia once and for all? Follow our advice and we will help you.

First, we do not advise you to drink any strong drinks before going to bed. This is because they contain alcohol. Once in the blood, it excites your nervous system, which does not contribute to healthy sleep. The nervous system is also stimulated by drinking coffee. It is worth giving up on it. Secondly, before going to bed, you should not watch films of such genres as thrillers and horrors for especially impressionable people.

If you want to have a good night's sleep, it's better to just take a walk in the yard in the fresh air half an hour before your sleep. The air is especially good after a rain with a thunderstorm, saturated with freshness and saturated with ozone. Breathe it in deeply, feeling how every cell of your body is filled with it. You need to breathe slowly. Inhale for four steps, then exhale for four steps. Do not be afraid that you may feel dizzy. This comes from over-oxygenating your lungs. In this case, breathe freely. The main thing is to enjoy the walk. A half hour walk will be enough for you. Before going to bed, take a contrast shower, and you are guaranteed a healthy deep sleep. Be healthy!

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