Easy Steps to Slimming

If you accustom yourself to start every day with exercises, you will admire a toned, slender body. It is important that charging is efficient. Exercising in the morning is a great way to keep joints and muscles in top condition, as well as a method for losing weight. If the joints do not receive a load, then they automatically lose their mobility, and the muscles without daily loads lose their elasticity and volume.

So, let's talk, in fact, about a set of exercises that was specially developed by experts for losing weight and maintaining a figure. The first exercise is push-ups on the side. Lying on your right side, lean on your left hand, bend your legs, grab your torso with your other hand. Exhale, straighten the arm on which you are leaning, lift your torso. Inhale, take the starting position. Perform push-ups, turning over to the other side. And so - 10 times on each side.

Standing straight, place your hands on your belt. Step forward, bending your legs, transferring support to the heel of the leg that is in front. Make sure that the wheel does not go over the level of the toe. Take your original position. Keep your elbows behind your back when lunging. Movements must be rhythmic. To burn even more calories, do a "perky" exercise with fast music on.

Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, lift up. To maximize the load on the leg muscles, you can hold a towel between your legs. Keep your hands behind your head, raise your head a little. Turn your torso to the right at the same time as your head, while moving your legs to the other side. Then do the opposite. Perform 15 times in each direction.

Lying on your stomach, place your palms under your chin, bend your legs, hold a towel between them. Lift your legs off the floor, lift them as high as you can. Hold briefly at the top point to feel the work of the muscles of the buttocks. Raising the legs should be slow so that the load is maximum. For the best effect, you need to perform a couple of approaches 7 times.

Lying on your stomach, cross your lower limbs, lean on your knees and elbows. Hold this position for a count of 20. Do it thrice.

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