What not to talk about with men

A careless word can ruin a relationship in minutes. Even if your romance lasts for a long time, there are things that a woman should not say to a man. Some men are like children, it is difficult to have a dialogue with them. They avoid difficult conversations that push them out of their comfort zone. Looking to build a serious relationship? Remember the phrases forbidden for communication.

1. "Mama's boy"

Loving a "mama's boy" is hard. But if you decide to live life with him, you can’t even hint to him about this quality of character. Accept it without trying to change. Since your boyfriend is "sissy" at 20, he will always remain so. Ready to endure? Then love his mother more than your own. He will be grateful to you. But remember: the wrong word in the direction of his mother will put an end to your romance.

2. "Tell me about your ex"

It's tempting to find out more about your boyfriend's former crush. This information alone will not improve the relationship. Avoid discussing your ex, especially intimate details. If you like a guy who continues to be friends with other girls, avoid asking if there is more between them. To win his heart with curiosity will not work.

3. "Look how fabulous that girl looks!"

This provocative phrase destroyed many couples. If the guy answers yes, your jealousy will lead to a quarrel. You will have additional questions, such as: “Is she prettier than me?” or “Would you like to date her?” Answer it in the affirmative, you will arrange the end of the world for him. Negative - suspect in insincerity. Such questions betray a girl's low self-esteem.

4. "Learn to have fun"

Is your boyfriend an introvert?
You have to respect his stubbornness. Parties annoy him, but he knows how to relax differently. Think twice before you say, "You have to learn to relax and have fun, otherwise you will remain a shy bore." After such a statement, he is unlikely to want to see you, regardless of the degree of love. Introverts know how to relax. They seem shy, very sensitive. But introverts are the best husbands.

5. "Am I pretty?"

If you want to boost your confidence, leave your man alone. If he really loves you, he will tell you himself, without leading questions. A man is stingy with compliments, not because your appearance is ugly. He probably doesn't love you at all.

6. "You have bad taste"

Does your friend have terrible taste? Better shut up. The remark will not lead to a divorce, but will damage his self-esteem. You can slowly get rid of old clothes and buy new ones if you live together. Otherwise, try shopping together.

7. “When will you call me? We will meet again?"

On a first date with a young man, it's tempting to ask about a second date. Don't be tempted! He'll think you're sticky, which guys avoid. Let him decide when to call or meet.

8. "It's just a job"

Your young man worked on an important project for several days, but the boss criticized everything. Find a replacement for the phrase "it's just a job." Men are anxious about a career, especially when they are passionate about their profession. It would be more correct to say that the boss had a bad day, so he reacted inadequately.

9. "You will always be a loser"

When a man has a soft character and finds it difficult to make serious decisions, you can’t read morality to him on the topic of success, call him a loser. First, you destroy relationships. Secondly, you convince him of your own failure. Better support, motivate, help. Avoid reproaches.

Building strong relationships is always a difficult task. It is important to understand a partner, support, love, help him become happy.

Unhealthy relationships need to end immediately. But if you've met a guy and want to tie the knot with him, remember what you don't talk about with men.

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