Anti-cellulite mesotherapy: pros and cons

This procedure is very popular. But at the same time, sometimes you can hear negative reviews. What can experts say about anti-cellulite mesotherapy? Let's try to understand the pros and cons of this procedure.

Of the positive aspects, it is worth noting that this mesotherapy can really help to cope with cellulite. It works effectively when no creams and other cosmetics help. But to achieve the desired effect, you need to be patient. You will need to go through at least 5 procedures, and in some cases their number can be increased to 15. With proper implementation of anti-cellulite mesotherapy, the effect is manifested in the form of skin smoothing and the disappearance of the "orange peel". To consolidate the result, the course can be repeated after about 6 months.

If we talk about the shortcomings of this procedure, then they can occur with the wrong choice of drug. In particular, in this case, you may not get the desired result. Simultaneously with the wrong selection of the drug, it is possible to use it in excess. This can lead to the fact that too many fat cells will be destroyed, inside of which there are many toxins. Therefore, with the disintegration of these cells as a result of this procedure, the development of intoxication is possible. In severe cases, it may be accompanied by liver failure.

Before carrying out anti-cellulite mesotherapy, it should be remembered that in some cases this procedure must be abandoned.

In particular, it is contraindicated:

- in chronic diseases in the acute stage;

- if there are inflammatory skin diseases in the injection area;

- autoimmune diseases;

- liver diseases;

- pregnancy and lactation.

To obtain a positive effect from anti-cellulite mesotherapy, you need not only to choose the right drug, but also professionally perform this procedure. Therefore, the choice of a high-level doctor is also important.

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