Hardware therapy

Overweight and cellulite are the most common problems that people turn to various centers and beauty salons. There are hardware techniques that allow modeling the optimal contours of the human body in the most comfortable conditions for the client.

Endermology is a modern technology of aesthetic medicine developed by the French company LPG Systems, which is the world's largest manufacturer of professional equipment for aesthetic medicine. It is based on active mechanical stimulation of tissues using motorized rollers.

Indications for endermology

The spectrum of application of endermology is very wide: it is classical physiotherapy, aesthetic medicine, plastic surgery and sports medicine. In aesthetic medicine, endermology is used in the treatment of cellulite, overweight correction, modeling of body contours, and in the treatment of sagging atonic skin. As you know, cellulite is a special condition of subcutaneous fat that affects all the constituent elements of tissues - the vascular system, nerve endings, nerve fibers, connective tissue fibrous structures, adipocytes, etc.

Endermology is a technique that affects all the main pathogenetic links in the development of overweight and cellulite. It allows you to reduce the volume of fat cells by activating lipolysis in the hypodermis, reduces the effects of fibrosis, stimulating tissue trophism, removes edema, activates blood and lymph flow, increases skin elasticity by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin in the dermis.

Thanks to such a powerful and versatile effect of endermological procedures, body weight is effectively reduced, volumes are reduced, the "orange peel" effect disappears, and the skin surface becomes more elastic.

The endermology technique is also used to solve local problems (localized fat deposits, local cellulite zones on the thighs, in the popliteal region, the upper third of the shoulder, folds on the abdomen, etc.). This technology is also shown to solve the problems of sagging skin, which may appear as a result of age-related changes, sudden weight loss and incorrectly performed liposuction.

Features of the procedure

The endermology procedure is as comfortable and painless as possible for the client. During the procedure, the entire surface of the body is treated for 35 minutes. The procedure begins with the treatment of the collar zone and back to achieve relaxing, sedative and neuro-sensory effects.

The main stages of the procedure are soft deep kneading of the collar zone, increasing the tone of the skin of the hands, working out cellulite zones, deep fat deposits, flabby and atonic skin, with an obligatory emphasis on modeling body contours. During the procedure, the client is dressed in a special endermological suit, which ensures the most effective contact with the rollers and the study of tissues at different depths.

The intensity of the impact on the tissue is adjusted individually, depending on the condition of the skin and the sensations of the client.
Endermological procedures are carried out only in courses of 10-20 sessions, depending on the specific disease, 1-2 times a week.
Comparison of endermology with vacuum massage

Endermology has nothing to do with vacuum massage. A vacuum of low intensity is used solely to hold the skin fold, and the main acting factor is the specific action of mechanized rollers - active mechanical stimulation of tissues.

Vacuum massage is a very old method, known for over 200 years. It is based on a change in hydrostatic and oncotic pressure in the tissues, a properly performed vacuum massage causes hematomas and petechiae, without their appearance, the procedure is not very effective.

On the contrary, a properly performed endermological procedure excludes such phenomena. By the way, the LPG equipment separately provides for the possibility of carrying out various options for vacuum massage exclusively for physiotherapeutic purposes for the treatment of certain specific injuries.

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