Eyelash perm

With the help of thick and curled eyelashes, you can make eyes of any shape attractive. But, unfortunately, not every woman has such eyelashes. To bring the eyelashes into the desired look, it is worth referring to the procedure for perming eyelashes. It is necessary to carry out such manipulation in a specialized salon, and not at home. Now in the salon they mainly offer three types of such a perm, they distinguish a basal perm, a curl perm and a complex perm. After such a manipulation, the eyelashes become curled and obedient. The effect of perm lasts for several months. A woman does not feel pain during the procedure; perm should only be performed by a specialist.

The essence of perm is as follows. First, make-up is removed from the eyes without fail, then a cotton pad pre-moistened in water is placed on the lower eyelid. Next, the master is determined with tongs, with which he is going to perm. After curling, the eyelashes are treated with special glue. The applicator is used to straighten the eyelashes. With such an applicator, a special lotion is applied along the entire length of the eyelashes, which should be on the eyelashes for fifteen minutes. Next, you need to treat the eyelashes with a nourishing lotion, for a greater effect, the product remains on the cilia for about five minutes. Now you need to carefully separate the tongs. At the end of the procedure, a special cream is applied to the eyelids.

Perming eyelashes has its pros and cons. The main positive point is that the eyelashes look just amazing, while they become very obedient. It should also be noted that the effect is long-term, and it is not at all necessary for a woman to use curling mascara. After chemical perm, the eyelashes become longer. The negative points include the fact that after curling the eyelashes may become a little lighter, this may lead to the need for additional staining. Whether or not to do such an eyelash perm is up to the woman herself. However, eyelashes must be taken care of without fail. Castor oil is ideal for such care, but it must be warmed up before use.

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