How to grow hair?

Long and thick hair is not only a sign of health, but also gives elegance to every woman. There are many reasons why you want to grow your hair out: a change in style, a bad haircut, a perm, or the intention to return to natural color after dyeing. However, it is not always possible to quickly and easily achieve the desired length. How to make hair grow?


A healthy diet and diet include a proportionate combination of proteins and nutrients that have a positive effect on hair growth. A balanced meal that includes omega-3 oils strengthens hair follicles and prevents breakage. Their large content is found in salmon and almonds.


Weight stabilization is an important factor in getting long and healthy hair. A sudden change in body weight due to diets or excessive food intake leads to fluctuations in hormone levels, which negatively affects both the structure of the hair itself and their growth.

Styling products

All devices used for drying, straightening and curling should be put away and the frequency of their use should be reduced to the necessary minimum. They dry the hair, making it brittle, weak and incapable of intensive growth. It is worth limiting the duration of exposure to the sun and use hair cosmetics with reflective filters.

Nutrition and hydration

Phytantriol, arginine, fish oil and biotin will help in the production of enzymes and hormones that stimulate hair growth. The use of hyaluronic acid, penetrating the follicles, hair and scalp, helps to prolong the hair growth phase. Do not neglect cosmetic oils, masks and conditioners. They will not only restore health to the hair, but also give it shine.


Hair is a direct reflection of a woman's well-being. Fatigue, stress, malnutrition interfere with the good functioning of the adrenal glands, which leads to a violation of the structure of the hair, inflammation of the skin and loss of strength. To calm the nervous system, massage sessions, cosmetic procedures and timely rest are recommended.

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