Diet "Five Spoons", a way to lose weight without feeling hungry

As a rule, those who want to lose weight exhaust themselves with starvation and strict diets. 

What causes extra pounds

Most losing weight people refuse food for a while, sitting on mono-diets. However, the cause of weight gain is not in the food itself, but in its quantity. In overweight people, the stomach has a much larger volume than in those whose weight is within the normal range. Why is this happening? The thing is that by eating an excessive amount of food, or, in other words, overeating, the stomach is stretched. Therefore, those who are overweight require more and more food.  

What is the secret of the Five Spoon Diet?

According to nutritionists, five tablespoons of food is the amount of food that is enough for the average person at one time. Consuming a systematically smaller amount of food, the stomach takes the required volume. Then the person will need less and less food, and therefore, the process of losing weight is inevitable.

Basic rules of the five spoon diet

To achieve the desired result, you must follow a few rules:

The daily amount of food should not exceed 200 gr.

Between meals there should be an interval of at least three hours.

Within the above interval, you can eat as many times as you like.

There is no limitation in products. The main thing is their number.

You should drink enough water, at least two liters per day.

There is no limit in juices, tea or coffee. However, it is important to avoid sugary sodas.

The more useful the products, the more obvious the result

Perhaps the fact that various fast foods, fats, mayonnaise and pastries are harmful to the figure does not need to be explained. All nutritionists and other doctors repeat this. The thing is that this food does not have any beneficial substances for the body. If you eat five tablespoons of such food, then the result of the diet will have to wait a very long time. Therefore, it is recommended to eliminate such products from your diet as much as possible. You can afford to eat one small dessert as a prize, preferably not in the evening.  

Diet "Five Spoons" will help to achieve long-term results without harming your stomach. And most importantly - without exhausting yourself with an unbearable feeling of hunger. To do this, you just need to follow a number of simple rules.

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