Diet for the waist

Often there is a desire to lose weight in one place. In this case, you need to use an integrated approach, which may include following a certain diet. But it is impossible to single out any products, the use of which will help to reduce the waist. It is more important to use the correct combination and quantity of them. If you adhere to proper nutrition, then the extra centimeters from the waist will go away easily and quickly.

First you need to reduce the calorie content of all food consumed to 1200 kcal per day. At the same time, the proportion of protein products should be increased. At the same time, it is advisable to refuse intermediate snacks during the day and late dinners.

You should also eliminate foods that can contribute to gas formation from your diet. The presence of excess air in the intestines can not only cause discomfort, but also add a few centimeters to the waist. Therefore, you need to give up legumes, cabbage, sweet peppers, pears and soda. At the same time, it is required to limit the consumption of foods that contribute to salt retention. These include salt, smoked and fried foods.

When following a diet, do not forget about increasing physical activity. Mandatory are exercises for the muscles of the back and the press. Simultaneously with this exercise, aerobic exercise is required. It can be jogging, walking at a fast pace, rollerblading or cycling. This approach will help activate the metabolism and burn more calories.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of dietary supplements, of which there are now a huge number. You should not rely only on them, dietary supplements can be effective only in combination. If there is a desire to add them to your program, then you should choose only products from trusted manufacturers and with a clear composition.

As you can see, only an integrated approach will help get rid of extra centimeters at the waist. By adhering to the above recommendations, the stomach will become more retracted, and the waist will become thinner.

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