How to remove the stomach?

Many girls are familiar with the situation when the figure, in general, suits, but only the tummy sticks out somehow ugly. He spoils the whole picture and bulges terribly. Here, one diet or proper nutrition is not enough. If you want to get rid of the stomach and achieve a wasp waist, you will have to sweat while doing the exercises. Although it is not necessary to sweat a lot and sign up for a fitness instructor. To do this, it is enough to regularly perform exercises for the waist. You can choose one of the effective exercises or perform a complex of several. Perhaps the best of them is the press. While doing this exercise, keep your legs still.

You can catch your feet on the bottom of the sofa or on the battery. You need to lift the body quickly, but not high. To begin with, it is enough to perform 30-40 body lifts per day, then gradually increase and it is desirable to reach 100-150. Only then will the effect be truly visible. Another effective exercise in the fight for a thin waist is the hoop. It is even more effective than abdominal exercises, since the latter is aimed at building muscle, and the hoop exercise helps to achieve precisely a thin waist. But this exercise is dangerous because it can lead to prolapse of organs.

So don't get too carried away. Better yet, get advice from a professional doctor. You can also perform another useful exercise - standing up to raise your knees. To do this, you need to stand up straight and raise your bent knees to your chest. No need to rush, on the contrary, you need to slowly raise your legs, while straining your abdominal muscles.

The higher and slower the legs rise, the greater the effect. At first, this exercise is difficult to perform in large quantities, but then it will become easier. It’s easier to start with 5-6 lifts per leg, then you can bring it up to 20-25. You need to perform exercises every day, only then the result will be visible. These exercises take very little time, and as a result, the tummy will disappear and the abdominal muscles will noticeably tighten.

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