Women's Beauty Blog

Women's beauty and diet magazine

The plane of the abdomen is a dream of many

The dream of a flat tummy can be realized with a balanced, limited diet and constant strength training of the problem muscle group. A clear guideline for desire, the exclusion of laziness, the overcoming of physical exertion are efforts that must be fulfilled.


Removal of moles folk remedies

Today, you can freely get rid of moles both with the help of traditional medicine and with the use of folk remedies. However, in any case, you need to determine the cause of the formation of moles. In some cases, moles cannot be removed. Therefore, the first thing to do is to consult a doctor, this event will help to avoid unwanted problems.


What color lipstick to choose

Every fashionista understands perfectly well that the color of lipstick should match the clothes and the occasion. To choose the right lipstick, you need to take into account what skin color the girl has, lipstick should match the skin color, and also emphasize the lady's face.


How to look like below

Very often, women suffer because of their appearance, and the reason for this is fullness, waist and chest circumference, but if you approach the issue correctly, you can get rid of extra pounds with the help of sports and diets. But what about the girls who are tall, and how much you don’t run and jump here, you definitely won’t grow down.  


Ideas for winter manicure

All women of different ages try to take care of their hands. Manicure is a complete addition to the external image of any woman. Nails should always look good. Even though we wear gloves outside in winter, our hands must be in perfect order, well-groomed and manicured.


How to quickly prepare for the holiday

If there is some important event ahead, you urgently need to put yourself in order, then you need to gather all your will into a fist and methodically and in an organized manner achieve your goal. To clearly follow the rules, write them on a piece of paper and hang them in a conspicuous place.


Anise for youth

The well-known anise gives youth, freshness, skin radiance and beauty to women. It has been known since ancient times. Anise is a spice. Many wise people have written that anise noticeably rejuvenates the body. Probably, female representatives will have a special interest in him.


How to lose weight as quickly as possible

Each of us wants to lose weight. Some people need this for a beautiful and slender figure, while others, for example, for health or to reduce their body mass index and thus not be drafted into the army.


chicken diet

In the modern world, the question of various weight problems is often raised, which lead to the most terrible consequences in the form of such a disease as obesity. In order to somehow avoid an unpleasant outcome, you need to monitor nutrition, engage in physical activity, move more and lead an active lifestyle. Thanks to such indicators, in a couple of weeks your figure will become a reason for the admiration of others.


Salon tan: pros and cons

Times change. And, if in the Middle Ages dazzling white skin was considered the standard of beauty, modern fashionistas strive even in the cold season to give the skin the desired shade of tan. But, the harsh climate of Russia is rarely generous on sunny days, and not everyone is given the opportunity to get south to warm resort towns. In such cases, a salon tan comes to the rescue.



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