Salon tan: pros and cons

Times change. And, if in the Middle Ages dazzling white skin was considered the standard of beauty, modern fashionistas strive even in the cold season to give the skin the desired shade of tan. But, the harsh climate of Russia is rarely generous on sunny days, and not everyone is given the opportunity to get south to warm resort towns. In such cases, a salon tan comes to the rescue.

One of the main reasons why modern women prefer salon tanning is its availability at any time of the year and rather low cost. The desired shade of tan is achieved in a matter of minutes - much faster than exposure to the sun would require.

The time spent in the solarium, calculated by experts, eliminates the risk of burns, and the use of modern filters minimizes photoaging of the skin.

But, nevertheless, salon tanning has a significant number of disadvantages.

Speaking about the reasons for extremely short sessions, we note that one of the key reasons is the high level of radiation and stress generated by high-intensity lamps for any skin. Ultraviolet rays pose a considerable threat to damage at the molecular level of the skin, and even a few minutes of being in a solarium cannot completely solve this problem. A visit to the turbo solarium is considered especially undesirable.

To some extent, the disadvantage is the availability of a salon tanning procedure, the main meaning of which should be reduced to the synthesis of vitamin D3 to maintain the proper level of health. In winter, the optimal synthesis of this vitamin occurs in light skin of a natural shade; only in this case, the proper amount of ultraviolet radiation will pass through it. Salon tan to a large extent prevents this, while becoming only a part of the appearance, which does not affect the state of the body.

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