How to quickly prepare for the holiday

If there is some important event ahead, you urgently need to put yourself in order, then you need to gather all your will into a fist and methodically and in an organized manner achieve your goal. To clearly follow the rules, write them on a piece of paper and hang them in a conspicuous place.


Without sports you will not be able to put yourself in order. Daily exercise must be included in your program. Let it even be a five-minute exercise.


To look beautiful, you need to eat right. In addition to the fact that you need to exclude fast food and semi-finished products, but also any other prepared food. It is important to eat on schedule. Breakfast and lunch are a must, dinner is not!

Body and face care

Take care of yourself every day. Wash your face not with water, but with green tea. So you can get rid of small acne and tighten the skin. Use ice cubes. Now ice is used in a new method of skin rejuvenation. Use the herbal infusion internally as well as externally.

A set of measures will help change in two weeks. It may not be immediately noticeable to you, but others will see the changes immediately.

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