How to look like below

Very often, women suffer because of their appearance, and the reason for this is fullness, waist and chest circumference, but if you approach the issue correctly, you can get rid of extra pounds with the help of sports and diets. But what about the girls who are tall, and how much you don’t run and jump here, you definitely won’t grow down.  

But here, too, there are disagreements, some tall people are happy with this, but most often these are people who need their height in their professional activities, for example, these are athletes and models. But many women are still dissatisfied with such a lack of their figure. But that's not all, if you can visually increase your height, then reduce it with the same success is almost impossible. Although if you choose everything correctly and clothes, shoes and accessories and a hairstyle, you can achieve the desired result.

In order to choose your own clothes, you need to use the tricks of designers. Everyone knows that wide clothes look lower, therefore, it is recommended for tall women to wear voluminous dresses and skirts, large knit sweaters and large clothes. In no case should you buy tight-fitting clothes, on the contrary, it will only pull you up. In order to visually divide the figure into two parts, you need to wear clothes of different colors, so you can also reduce your height, but this is not a very good technique. You need to at least combine clothes in style and material in order not to look ridiculous. But it’s also not worth constantly wearing clothes of the same color, for example, if you wear black tights, then you should forget about a black dress. Common techniques for changing your height are horizontal stripes in clothes and layering, which, among other things, also look stylish.

We must not forget about bright accessories, for example, a belt at the waist can reduce a person's height. But a bright bag or unusual shoes allow a person not to concentrate on growth, since all attention is paid only to these wardrobe items.

Tall ladies should not completely abandon heels, it is better to leave a slight rise in order to give the image elegance and femininity.

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