How to dye your hair with tonic

Prepare a metal enameled or stainless steel container.
In this dish, prepare the tonic according to the instructions on the box. Before you dye your hair with a tonic, do a test coloring of one curl. Notice how many brush strokes you need to achieve the desired shade. Please note that the packaging always indicates how to dye your hair with tonic, but it is unlikely that it will indicate that for hair below the shoulder line you will need twice as much tonic.

After that, put a cape on your shoulders, if there is no professional one, then any oilcloth will come in handy, and be sure to wear gloves. And only after that proceed to painting.

Remember the time to start painting. Before you dye your hair with tonic, comb it and divide it into two halves. Start from left to right and, separating curl after curl, brush them from top to bottom. Pin the dyed with a hairpin and continue until everything is dyed.

Then count the time from the moment of painting the first curl and the last one so that the total time for applying the tonic on all hair is at least 30 minutes. After that, rinse everything with warm water - and you can style with a hairdryer.

The tonic is completely washed off the hair for several times, as it is not a full-fledged paint. The tonic does not contain ammonia and other aggressive agents that eat into the hair structure. In addition, you can easily mix colors and literally “decorate” your hair.

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