A few lip care tips

A few lip care tips

1. Every evening it is necessary to lubricate the lips with olive, sunflower, castor oil or hygienic lipstick.

2. Massage with a toothbrush for 30 seconds will help keep your lips elastic. After the massage, apply a fat cream on the lips.

3. So that mimic wrinkles do not appear on the upper lip, it is useful to make masks from cottage cheese and carrot juice.

4. If the lips are a little flaky, an ointment can help: heat 10 g of any vegetable oil and 5 g of cocoa butter in a porcelain cup and let it harden. Lubricate lips when leaving the street and before going to bed.

5. With chapped lips, honey can be salutary, which must be applied for 20 minutes, or cottage cheese with cream for 10 minutes.

6. With cracks on the lips, a cream will help: in 200 g of butter, put out 5 g of cinquefoil rhizomes, crushed into powder.

6. On the beach, you should not use lipstick, it is enough to apply hygienic.

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