Women's Beauty Blog

Women's beauty and diet magazine

Ways to add volume to fine hair

Any representative of the beautiful half of humanity would like to have a gorgeous head of hair, and yet if nature has endowed you with thin hair, then this is not a reason to fall into despair. Now even three hairs can be given volume by choosing the appropriate haircuts and coloring.


Fashion tops and t-shirts

T-shirts with tops you can take with you to the sea. Also, interesting images are created with them for going to a nightclub, a park. Next, consider what T-shirts and tops will be fashionable this summer.


3 day cleansing diet

Many people care about their health, want to improve their appearance, so they constantly monitor nutrition. But often a too fast lifestyle, when very little food time is given, as well as the use of junk food, become the main reasons for gaining excess weight, which spoils the appearance of any person.


Hair care

An attractive appearance is sometimes given by nature, but it acquires special value when it becomes the embodiment of our desires, a personal victory in creating our ideal image.


What to avoid on a first date

Most people worry before the first date, because, often, the continuation of the relationship depends on it. Therefore, everyone tries to make a good impression. In order for this to work out, you need to think in advance where the date will take place, what you will talk about, what to ask, and so on.


5 ways to pump up the buttocks

Due to the sedentary lifestyle of modern life, as well as unhealthy, improper and irregular nutrition, the human body and muscles suffer. Buttocks, one of the most attractive and, unfortunately, the most sedentary parts of the human body. Fortunately, this problem has a solution.


Healthy foods lead to overeating

People tend to eat more food if they find it healthy, scientists at the University of Texas have proven. If a person sees a mention on the label that the product belongs to the category of healthy food, then he considers it low-calorie and not satisfying, which leads to excessive consumption of such a product.


Diet for youthful skin

Glossy magazines assure us that only expensive creams and cosmetic procedures will help to make the skin younger. However, doctors are sure that a diet for youthful skin will bring much more benefits to the body. Of course, proper care is also very important. But by itself, it does not give such a result. As for Botox and other procedures, they smooth wrinkles, but at the same time they do not help to hide an unhealthy complexion and do not interfere with the formation of new wrinkles.


A haircut

A quality haircut depends on many factors: the condition and type of hair, its length, the nature of the previous haircut, face shape, hair color and makeup. Masters necessarily take into account the manner of behavior, lifestyle, character and even your mood. All this is very important, because on the basis of a well-made haircut, you can make 4-5 types of different styles depending on your mood, situation and occasion, create any image for yourself: sports, business, and even for shopping. Haircut technology is individual for each master.


How to eat before and after training

Everyone knows that fitness brings maximum benefits only if it is practiced regularly and in accordance with the advice of professional consultants. But there is another important ingredient that, alas, is often overlooked by many women - proper nutrition.



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