How to eat before and after training

Everyone knows that fitness brings maximum benefits only if it is practiced regularly and in accordance with the advice of professional consultants. But there is another important ingredient that, alas, is often overlooked by many women - proper nutrition.

Proper nutrition before, as well as after training, determines how much your body's metabolism will be optimized, and how much you will be able to burn fat during exercise. Proteins, carbohydrates, fats - our body needs all of them, but in the right proportions, and this is the postulate that should be the basis for organizing your daily diet.

Nutrition normalization

You need to eat a lot of protein and foods containing carbohydrates, which will provide your body with all the necessary amino acids. In the process of training, useful minerals and vitamins are washed out of the body, which is why it is so important to take in enough protein and slow carbohydrates.

But pre-workout fat intake should be drastically reduced. Fats, slowly absorbed by the body in great abundance, cause a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, which is not conducive to vigorous exercise. It is advisable to use a specific diet that excludes fatty foods and consists of boiled chicken breast, vegetables, fruits and carbohydrates. In addition, you need to eat less sweets.

Food after exercise

After visiting the fitness room, it is necessary that the water balance of the body is restored. And for this, fruits, juices, berries, green tea and still water are best suited. If you want to cheer up by drinking coffee, then this should be done no earlier than 3 hours after training.

Within an hour after strength exercises are over, you should eat protein foods, such as boiled meat or baked fish. Such food will serve as a building material and allow the body to recover faster.

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