Women's Beauty Blog

Women's beauty and diet magazine

Summer 2015 trend - pastel shades in clothes

The bright colors of summer clothes 2015 were diluted with many gorgeous pastel outfits. A soothing color palette of soft blue, light pink, muted green, pale lavender and beige shades can delight not only women's hearts.


Lose weight with the Asian diet

Traditions, customs, way of life of any people are unique and unrepeatable. It is very difficult to say what is barbarism and what is an example to follow. For representatives of some nationalities, a raw food diet is the norm, a “storehouse” of vitamins, for others it is a source of disease.


How to beat cellulite in 3 steps?

Cellulite does not spare either thin people or full ones. What will help protect against it?


What to do if sunburnt?

The topic of tanning, sunburn is always relevant. What measures are not taken for sunburns! Most often smear burnt areas with sour cream.


Hand and nail care in cold weather

In the cold season, our nails and hand skin require more thorough care. It is at this point that our hands need thorough moisturizing. Therefore, it is worth making it a rule to lubricate hands and nails before going outside and after returning from frost, and also, be sure to use gloves. It is useful to moisturize the cuticle with olive oil. Try to drink more water, it has a beneficial effect on skin hydration.


Popular models of summer tops

Girls want to look great at any time of the year. In summer, being attractive is much easier. A variety of blouses, dresses, shorts - the perfect details of women's clothing. The list of honorable things is always complemented by tops.


Dill seeds for weight loss

Surely, almost everyone uses dill. It is the most common spice among Europeans. Green sprigs of dill and its seeds are added to various dishes and even drinks. However, dill is not only tasty, but also quite healthy.


How to emphasize the waist line?

With the help of simple tricks, girls can highlight the best sides of their figure. Focusing on your strengths will distract the other person from your weaknesses. To create the illusion of a thin waist, choose clothes with details in this area. A contrasting belt, a small buckle, a peplum will help to emphasize harmony.


Fashion headbands and headbands for hair 2016

For a girl, her well-groomed and attractive appearance is of great importance, which largely depends on a neat hairstyle. This year, hairstyles with hair gathered and removed from the face are considered especially stylish. In order not to use standard hairpins and elastic bands, hair can be removed with a bandage and headband, which will allow you to create the most feminine and elegant hairstyle.


For fashionistas about the trendy colors of the spring-summer 2015 season

As for the trendy color palette for the upcoming spring-summer 2015, it simply captivates with its delicate and pastel shades, and also invigorates with rich colors. It should be noted that the warm season will still be closer to soft cold tones. Consider the popular color palette of the future spring-summer period.



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